hello Charles,
Yes i have experience REBUILDING a Crushed by snow hoop-house!
just don't give up...
because it happened to me and my 16 x 100 foot hoop-house on a freaky
Halloween snow storm and i only had shade cloth on it.
Here is what i did... I took every single arch that had a usable HALF
and i sawed them in Half so i could rebuild a "smaller" hoop house.
the home depot sells sleeves that you can join your salvaged Halves
back together again . I built a ridge pole supported by posts and screwed
the sleeves to it so it became more solid and supported the other end
on top of a "pony wall " short enough you can swing a leg over it.
on the top of this pony wall i drilled holes in the 2 x 4 every 22" inches
to shove the bottom ends in .Actually i drilled the holes in the pony wall to receive
the sleeves THEN i shoved the arches into them.
here's a photo showing the construction of it , it supported 2 feet of snow.
i use 3 inch deck screws on EVERYTHING !!! make it super strong!