International aid feeds some of the people some of the time, Initiate & support permaculture projects, and communities eat every day.
On a side note,they love to scratch in the yard, especially in the remainings of a lasagna bed,but don't scratch in the deep litter very much.
I am wanting more chooks, but I really want them to eat our food scraps and turn the compost.
Any ideas on changing their eating habits?
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William Bronson wrote: Truthfully,they are already pets!
I ain't frustrated with them as much as my own ability to husband them...
They are starter chickens,rescued from being punching (pecking?) bags in another flock.
I knew the deal when I got them, and frankly I delight in our relationship, the give and take feels right.
They are the first animals I've kept that have given back more than poop and affection.
Any way they are a Rhode Island Red and an Ameraucanas. They were raised in a bare dirt chicken yard, which might be why they prefer scratching in dirt to scratching in leaves.
They will ignore scraps in favor of scratching!
Their feathers have grown back in beautifully,and just a week ago the Ameraucanas started laying(I have had them since last summer)
I want more, but I want the new chicks to take up the slack eating and scratching.
Rose McFadden wrote:You know, my birds used to eat greens, then stopped recently. Maybe because they are in a nice grassy area? Not sure. They also have quit laying-my suspicion is a soft molt is going on, although weird at this time of year. They are 3, as I recall, and I would NEVER cull them. I'm an old lady, not good for much anymore, and I sure wouldn't want to be culled.
Anderson gave himself the promotion. So I gave myself this tiny ad:
Heat your home with the twigs that naturally fall of the trees in your yard