chickens soon, and I need feedback on my housing design.
My run will be 20' X4'.
The bottom will be 6-8 " off of grade and made of slate debris topped with pavers.
The edges will be contained by crappy rubble cast walls,the scrap plywood of the forms will be left in place.
The back and sides will be scrap plywood. I might add cardboard/carpet/grout later.
The roof will be lattice/cardboard/plastic/carpet/grout.
The front will be 7-8'high X24' wide and west facing.
Chain link will cover the top 4' and 1/2" hardware cloth the bottom 3-4'.
Shade will be provided via climbing plants, sunchokes in planters,tarps and awnings.
Nests will be accessed via a hatch on the north end,bedding will also be swept out that way.
The roost will be 3' high, 12' long and 4" wide. I am considering placing it directly over buckets or a trough of duckweed.
The back wall is 4' high,East facing,and runs along a 16' high
rose of Sharon hedge that will provide shade.
Winter time it will be heated via clear vinyl glazing along the front, air to ground heat storage during the day,a 4" batch box,or a cinder block/ heat lamp set up.
They will have a
water nipple fed from a rain barrel, house hold food waste,bunny bedding ,tree
hay,yardwaste,sunflower seeds, dumpster treats,dead
mice,duckweed(?), and conventional
There will be a pan filled with some dust for baths.
DE,Ag lime, sand,grit,crushed eggshells, what ever is best.
There will be two
chickens to start, rescues from the bottom of the pecking order.We will max out at 6 on this property. I want the last 4 to be Buckeyes.
There is a weedy
yard filled with bugs, mice, lizards snakes, berry bushes, grape vines, mulberry
compost piles, and such.
They will free range during the day and be in the run/coop at night.
There is also our dog. She won't chase our bunnies, rather she treats them like babies. We will see with the
We want eggs, we will probably give away the chickens that are well past laying, rather than eat them ourselves.
So, any thoughts. Be brutal if necessary, I don't want to fail at this!