This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
Natural Building.
Clay is a primary ingredient in
cob and adobe bricks. Testing the clay sub-soils you have available goes a long way towards making durable final products.
To get certified for this BB, do the following:
Find and assess clay sub-soil for making cob/adobe bricks, try different mixes, keep notes, test them to destruction (smash with hammer, toss in fire, etc), choose best mixes.
- Try at least 2 different kinds of clay subsoil
- Try at least 2 different kinds of sand
- Document at least 12 different individual experiments (adobe bricks). Show your notes.
- Document your process, how much sand of what type, how much soil of what type?
- Show shake test results, show mix results. Explain your thinking for the selection process.
- Make 50 adobe bricks from your best candidate mix.
- Make 6 minute
video detailing your process and showing your final product.