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Paul answers Eivind's permaculture related questions. They talk about
chickens and Paul expresses again how he dislikes
chicken tractor. Eivind talks about the book
City Chicks by Patricia Foreman that he has been reading on the trip. He says how he is disapointed that the author thinks that one can only grow up to 20% of the chicken's
feed whereas with the Chicken 2.0 techniques one could meet all the feed needs. They go on and talk about broody hens and how it is important for chicks to learn from a mama hen.
Eivind and Paul talk about community and how who you are with and not where you are is what makes a difference. Eivind gets poetic and says that permaculture can create a garden of Eden anywhere. They talk about aesthetic and of Friendly Haven Rise farm.
They end the podcast talking about next year's tour.
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Relevant Links
Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm Pt. I
Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm Pt. II
Symphonies in Seed and Soil Permaculture Tour Recap Part 1
Symphonies in Seed and Soil Permaculture Tour Recap Part 2
Steve Hekeroth's Farm
Alexia Allen
Paul's chicken article
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