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Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada
Don't do it to make a statement, do it to make a difference!
Permaculture Design and more!
Don't do it to make a statement, do it to make a difference!
Permaculture Design and more!
shamanmonkey wrote:
He's playing with an area that doesn't really need to be terraformed
Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada
paul wheaton wrote:
It takes a minute to get to it, but in the middle of this video is geoof lawton making some good points.
?? Did you watch the video?shamanmonkey wrote:
It's amusing to me what Lawton is doing here. He's playing with an area that doesn't really need to be terraformed(a whole rant unto itself), and he's trying to use a Fukuokian idea to validate it. I guess he didn't read the whole book though, cause the other side of Fukuoka's "hard worker" theory is, that when allowed to do their job, weeds will use up their advantage and die out as other species begin their "hard work". Not exactly what he was aiming at I think.
shamanmonkey wrote:
It's amusing to me what Lawton is doing here. He's playing with an area that doesn't really need to be terraformed(a whole rant unto itself), and he's trying to use a Fukuokian idea to validate it. I guess he didn't read the whole book though, cause the other side of Fukuoka's "hard worker" theory is, that when allowed to do their job, weeds will use up their advantage and die out as other species begin their "hard work". Not exactly what he was aiming at I think.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Zone 5a in Central Ontario, Canada
Geoff was brouught to a chunk of desert in Jordan. No trees as far as the eye can see. A bit of scrub. Mostly sand and rocks. Geoff installed permaculture and left. The people who owned the land watered it for a couple of years and then sold the land and left. The new owners did not water anything, and they eventually sold it to somebody else. And these new owners didn't water anything either. Geoff returns after being away for eight years and finds a jungle where he had planted permaculture.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
land and liberty at s.w.o.m.p.
shamanmonkey wrote:
Wow Rose. I couldn't even understand what you wrote at first. That's an issue.
If I peiced out your writing correctly then I would have to say you didn't even read what I wrote properly.
I didn't saying anything about Geoff Lawton's other projects, just this one.
I didn't say Fukuoka was better than Lawton, I said he is using one of Fukuoka's principals to validate his perspective.
And where did I mention the chemical fertilizers that make up 80% of your [ comments ]? Oh yes, I see, I didn't mention them AT ALL.
[ stuff deleted ] ask Geoff why he isn't out there teaching the locals to do what he believes can be done? I'm seeing him toot his own horn, not feed the people.
[ edited to comply with "be nice" - pw ]
Lawrence London
ask Geoff why he isn't out there teaching the locals to do what he believes can be done? I'm seeing him toot his own horn, not feed the people.
land and liberty at s.w.o.m.p.
rose macaskie wrote:
It should be going out for high visibility coverage as hard as we can to get more and more people growing things, greenery absorbes carbon and we need to get carbon levels in the air down fast, so much so for the poor of this world that all other considerations are stupid at the moment.
Idle dreamer
shamanmonkey wrote:
[ stuff deleted ] ask Geoff why he isn't out there teaching the locals to do what he believes can be done? I'm seeing him toot his own horn, not feed the people.
[ edited to comply with "be nice" - pw ]
dirtfarmer wrote:
I completely agree with you ShamanMonkey. In my view Lawton is a permaculture teacher out for high visibility
shallow depth venues with lots of glowing publicity and probably plenty of money instead of bringing permaculture to the people in a language they can understand and technology they can put to work in their everyday lives. I never have been much interested in Lawton, he does good work and has made a significant contribution to the spread of permaculture around the world but is not a real mover and shaker in the movement; nowhere near the class of Mollison, but then few are. Permaculture is an art, a science, a craft
and an improvisation, a creative energy engine.
People are the keystone species of the planet.
rose macaskie wrote:
The global warming is such that the large amounts of rain and floods that the scientists said would come have come. Imagine if Pakistan gets flooded every year and the floods are worse every year ...
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Idle dreamer
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
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