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dirk leas

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since Dec 09, 2011
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Cold East Coast USA
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Recent posts by dirk leas

I'm up in South Orange -- not exactly walking distance... I'm also taking Geoff's PDC (working on my design project).
11 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

paul wheaton wrote:Dirk,

Just to be clear: you can see the other three videos just fine, right? It is only hot rocket that is giving your problems, right?

I see your account info in the first video and in "Hot Rocket". Identical in both.

Can you create a brand new youtube account and we can try that? It seems that youtube has a bug and creating a new youtube account appears to fix the bug.

I PM'd you the new YT account.

11 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

dirk leas wrote:
I'm still unable to view Hot Rocket.

I checked. It showed your account had access. So I removed your access and added it again. Is it working now?

Still a nogo. I've tried the obvious stuff (e.g. different browsers all current release, cleared cache, even tried viewing on mobile devices). I can scrub using the Youtube controls and see the scrubbing thumbnails if I turn off autoplay and keep it from erroring out, but it won't play. The state is also saved at my account level so testing on alternate devices initializes with previous failed state. I googled in an attempt to clear this video "session" state following me around and am not seeing anything helpful.
11 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

dirk leas wrote:

paul wheaton wrote:

dirk leas wrote:Any updating on the streaming version?


I think I will be connecting people to the streaming version tomorrow.

Thanks -- I received my notification email with the four Youtube links. Three worked as expected, but I'm unable to view "Hot Rocket". I get streaming error with a try later prompt. Is anyone else seeing the same error on this vid?


Are you still getting that problem? (I guess I am hoping for the age old "do nothing and maybe the problem will fix itself")

I'm still unable to view Hot Rocket.
11 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

dirk leas wrote:Any updating on the streaming version?


I think I will be connecting people to the streaming version tomorrow.

Thanks -- I received my notification email with the four Youtube links. Three worked as expected, but I'm unable to view "Hot Rocket". I get streaming error with a try later prompt. Is anyone else seeing the same error on this vid?

11 years ago
Any updating on the streaming version?

11 years ago
There's a great study from your area by New Frameworks Natural Building -- their recent book might also be a helpful resource.
12 years ago