Hi all. I have Art Ludwig's book and have read most of it. I am finishing up a kitchen sink gray water system and could use your advice. It has a grease trap (from previous traditional system). Soil is heavy black clay, but perc test I did came out alright. The grease trap was about 1 foot underground, so that is how deep my pipe is going out to the mulch pit. I will be adding in rain water from a very small roof (2 meters by 1.5 meters) that will drop in after the grease trap. I have already laid down 2" PVC pipe out to the pipe with a 2% grade. We have lots of thirsty eucalyptus trees on the property and the roots get everywhere.
I found a neat, sturdy outlet cover. We have "tarrinas" here in Uruguay that are used for bulk shipments of olives that range from 20 to 250 liters. They are made of a thick blue plastic and have really sturdy tops. My idea is to cut the bottom out of a 50L tarrina and have the top exposed at ground level so I can inspect it from time to time.
Question 1. How big should the holes be in the outlet cover? How far should they go up? How many liters should the outlet cover be?
Question 2. I really couldn't get an exact answer as to how big my mulch pit should be. Given my situation, what do you say? Also, can I fill it up with euc leaves and sticks, maybe some grass clippings?