Bronto jones

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since Jan 24, 2012
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Recent posts by Bronto jones

Great thanks Leila,

I am on there, I shall try and get myself around and meet some people.
13 years ago
Thanks Deb,

I'll just keep waiting.
13 years ago
Hi everyone,

Great site. Well here it goes, I'm a 37 yo male. I live on the Gold Coast in QLD, Australia. I am currently looking to buy 100 acres in Northern NSW.

The Gold Coast is not renowned for meeting girls that would like to move away to the bush and start a Permaculture lifestyle. So am trying to find a like minded one now.

I tried this journey when I was younger but lacked funds to start. I am now in a position where I can start for fulfill some of my dreams.

All I need now is someone to share them with.

Take care

13 years ago