Jeremy VanGelder

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since Feb 17, 2012
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The area I live in is gorgeous, so I look for the best ways to steward it and to help my neighbors. I founded Friends of Road 4109 to rebuild a forest road. I draft civil engineering plans for developers and small businesses. I am studying land surveying. And I am raising several boys with my wife Lynae. I have found my way out of a porn addiction through Celebrate Recovery
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Proebstel, Washington, USDA Zone 6B
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Recent posts by Jeremy VanGelder

Christopher Shepherd built a system like that a few years ago

I made one to charge dewalt and ryobi batteries 20v and 18v lithiums. .  I have found 100w is not enough in Ohio.  The 12volt chargers I am using pull 6 solid amps at 13 volts.  I used 2 x 100 watt panels, a 5 farad capacitor "battery" and a 30 amp mppt controller.  It works great.  I wired the panels in series so this gives it about 40 volts open circuit.  This seems to work well on the half cloudy days.  Your old battery will be fine as long as you have enough solar coming in to maintain 6 amps at 13v.  Good luck and happy experimenting.

He made a Youtube video of his system in action.
1 day ago
I started traveling by train back when Amtrak's chief of police protected the privacy of passengers. I had some really good trips on Amtrak Cascades. It certainly can be nicer than trying to beat the traffic in and out of Seattle. I also took the Coast Starlight from Berkeley to Vancouver, WA once. It was a long trip to ride coach but it was gorgeous. I would probably ride the train again.
2 days ago
Hey Alex, I hope you have a wonderful time at Wheaton Labs!
My boys have the January 23rd Pie day marked on their calendar. They have been reminding me about it all month. And today is the day.
1 week ago
Are you pursuing PEP?  This will be a central repository for Otises to shop for PEPpers (or SKIPpers).  To see a list of all the participants, here's the Leaderboard.

Some day this may be automated to sort the list based on how far along in the PEP program you've gotten.  For now it will be a bit clunky and manual.  To get your name added to this post, add a reply with a paragraph about why you're doing PEP, if you're looking for property, where that property would need to be for you to be happy, size of property, etc so that Otises can determine if you might be a close fit for them.

Mike Haasl
Opalyn Rose PEP1 & 22 Sand Badges and details below
Rebekah Harmon PEP 1 Badges
Cheryl Loomans PEP 1 Badges
Alexandra Malecki PEP 1 Badges

Ashley Cottonwood
Edward Norton
Luke Mitchell
Kevin Harbin
Inge Leonora-den Ouden
L. Johnson
James Rhodes
Raphael Blais
Nikki Roche
Patrick W Kelly
Tina Wolf
Tim Norton

Joy Hancock

Note: if you're looking for a place to practice your PEP skills, check out this thread: Locations to do PEP

Hey Brody, I am designing a coop and I remembered this thread. I just want to build a single shed roof, so I picked the "Martin Colony House" out of the book. And I am cutting that in half, so it will be 8x6 instead of 8x12. Thanks for posting your coop!
I don't know much about mite prevention. I hope your hens are doing better.
I just planted some camas seeds at the base of the hugel. Some on the North end of the East side where the ground looked damp. And then some more on the North end of the West side where there is standing water that ran off of our driveway. It should be a perfect micro climate for Camas.
2 weeks ago

r ranson wrote:
People keep calling me an influencer or saying they did or bought a thing because of something I said online.  That kind of worries me.  So I take it and use it to create the kind of thing I want to see more of on the internet.

You are succeeding at that goal. Every time I clean something with vinegar and water I think, "I'm sure glad I read 'Cleaning with Cleaners you can Eat.'" Whether I remove rust from a tool or mold from the upholstery of a car, I am glad I can use the same two simple ingredients.
2 weeks ago
Thanks Dave! That pamphlet had reached a mythical status. In the sense that we knew it was good and that it was out there somewhere. But I didn't know where to find it.
2 weeks ago