Jared Sudekum

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since Mar 08, 2012
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Recent posts by Jared Sudekum

The many systems that we use in our permaculture efforts and strategies are potentially very successful.
I love to try new things and I equally enjoy seeing my friends have success with their efforts.

I am an avid permaculturist, and gardener.
I am a food garden educator in my spare time and I also hellp others build microlivestock flocks and herds.

I compost with worms and am learning the fine art of utilizing Black Soldier fly larvae to compost meat waste as well as provide my poultry some tasty snacks.
I also enjoy the other end of the spectrum with cooking preserving and canning and dehydrating. I come to this forum with a real question.

My wife and young daughter are both type 1 diabetic and are insulin dependant.
I have two grave concerns. First, when all things providing us with unsustainable comfort and luxury collapse how will I properly store their insulin,
and secondly, what do I do when the stockpile runs out?

Before the easy suggestions are made,
let me say that I am working on a "Pot-in-Pot" cooling system designed by SEED Mohammed Bah Abba, and this works okay,
but for the long term, I am concerned.
Additionally, I have read the story of Victor and Eva Saxl back in WW2,
but that has not successfully been replicated. Does anyone have any other ideas? This missing component makes all the work obsolete if I can't solve this .....

Thank You,
12 years ago
Living in Central Texas for the last seven years, I have learned how difficult gardening can truly be. Having been an avid gardener my entire life, I was truly inspired when I discovered the publications of Geoff Lawton and Bill Mollison as well as others. Permaculture and especially the development of large scale regionally appropriate food forests are truly the key to a sustainable future. Paul please continue blogging especially for those of us who desire a sustainable tomorrow for our children and future generations.
12 years ago