Chris Allen

Lab Ant
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since Mar 19, 2012
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Recent posts by Chris Allen

So I am alive and planning to return. Before I do I need to pay off my debt and getting a vehicle. My outlook for the earliest I can arrive is probably 8 months, due to rate of pay at by job. I'm looking to get a secondary job so speed up the process and maybe get a much needed PDC.
8 years ago
Swales and catchments everywhere. That way you can have water without needing a well.
9 years ago
I gotta read that good find Kurtus
9 years ago
Its been a busy week thus far. I've been thinking about food for the next year. I think my main focus will be on grain. In particular wheat produced with system of wheat intensification.

I was having some truoble with how i would plow and such but i did some more searching and found this: [youtube][/youtube]

Now instead of having to buy something now i know that i only need to make a simple conversion. This might even work for the weeder and leveler.

Also I broke my headphones but with a little bit or research I found that it shouldn't be a hard fix i jest need a soldering iron. My headphones were broke while i was working the excavator but i got a lot of digging done. I got a pond dug and a huggle swail dug and i still have to dig another pond and huggle swail on the other side of my property. At the moment i also have a hole for a house that i'm in the middle of digging with Evan now. All this time I've been listening to lectures Called "The Other Side of History" it features the history of common people in there normal life and it's been enjoyable.
9 years ago
So its been a while since I've been able to write either for my blog or creatively. I've been slowly accumulating lumber for my future house. Yesterday I cooked a large loaf of bread in the cast iron skillet and it turned out more like a giant dumpling then a loaf of bread. Some old Yeast was found and the bread did rise so i'm pretty happy at that. Today I taught the new ant Jim how to cut down a tree that was satisfying. I just placed an order through Azure Standard for a 50 lb bag of flower so I should be baking bread well into winter. I Cut a deal with Paul to care for and Maintain the Tipi in exchange for staying in the tipi when it isn't used for guests. I've been researching it by reading the forums here and the two books on tipis that are up at the lab. Now that i have my winter shelter out of the way i can go full boar on making a good long lasting structure. Next step on the structure is to dig out the foundation.
9 years ago