I. Weaver

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since Apr 11, 2012
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I wouldn't use pill bottles for tinctures or other liquids--too easy to spill the liquid.
3 months ago
This was fabulous! I have never made ink in all my years of dyeing with plants. You broke it down into steps that are clear and easy to understand and follow. Thank you!

And I appreciate the tutorial on resins, gums, etc. I am about to go into that with a student and was looking for information, this makes it so much easier.

1 year ago
Hi, LOVE your trellis idea. I think I'll use it with my peas. However, I can't use wooden steaks as cows don't give wooden steaks. I will use use wooden stakes that I'm sure will work handsomely. Sorry, couldn't resist the play on words with your misspelling.
12 years ago