R Scott

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since Apr 13, 2012
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I would not last long on that ration!
1 day ago
2x4 welded wire works ok for a backyard—smooth and well mowed. If you are closer to pasture or golf course roughs, the wire gets caught on sapling stumps and breaks or presses the grass flat so the rabbits can’t eat all of it. They mow patches to the ground and leave big clumps they couldn’t get started.  The smaller rabbits can still dig out, and the larger ones try and leave a mess.

Context matters for how you build the tractor. But I think the most important thing is avoiding overcrowding and moving frequently enough to avoid digging.
1 week ago
I know a couple farmers with commercial free range egg operations that have had that virus go through the flock.
1 week ago
Calcium deficiency isn’t the only cause for shell less eggs.
1 week ago
We tried it at our old place

Pros:  saves a LOT on feed. The rabbits seem happier, although that might be seeing what I wanted to see.  

Cons: escapees. We tried lots of styles of floors and didn’t like any of them. Our favorite was to use chain link fence laid flat a foot around the outside of the pen. It was problematic on rough ground or if you didn’t move it often enough.

1 week ago
We used to buy coconut oil in 5 gallon metal buckets. I can’t remember the brand.

Most people I know at that scale use the 5 gallon Mylar bags made to line plastic buckets. Just the bags on shelves. They break down the whole bag into jars and/or smaller bags when needed.
2 weeks ago
Wet terracotta is definitely dangerous. But it can also be thermal shock, if the flame gets too too close to the clay it can crack and spall.

ALL fire is dangerous. But I wouldn’t call those any worse than an oil lamp or many other flame based portable heaters.
2 weeks ago
Spend the money to upgrade the pressure tank to the largest that you can fit/afford.
2 weeks ago
A plastic barrel/tank can’t handle normal plumbing pressure.  Putting your well pressure tank there will work.  Yes, it’s expensive but required for most well pump systems.
2 weeks ago
The other side of the coin that has had progress in the last seven years is understanding of bioavailability. Lots of “bad” chemicals and heavy metals are not absorbed by plants if the pH is right or there is enough of healthy micronutrients or lack of co-factors.  The only one I remember off the top of my head is plants (and people) absorb more lead in the presence of fluoride.
3 weeks ago