Hi Permies, happy July! The veggie garden is starting to kick into high gear lately. The lettuce bed is still producing abundantly despite slugs and snails being prevalent over the whole garden area. There is always a little leaf damage, but it never is so bad I wouldn't eat it. I have already eaten more from just this one lettuce patch so far than all the greens last year.
And a fun slugs eye view :)
The two all star beds this year have a healthy mix of greens, squashes, and tomatoes. Both these beds were planted with starts, not direct seeded, except for the tomatoes, they were volunteers. The mix of vining squash with taller tomatoes and greens gives a wonderfully picturesque image of a veggie polyculture.
The onion and lettuce bed has been transitioning to an onion and cherry tomato bed. There is an army of volunteers coming up fast from last year. I am happy enough to let them grow, with a little thinning. The lettuce is hanging on in the shade under it all. Nice big leaves for sandwiches :)
The other beds are still a mix of peas and direct sown greens. Along with the kale and spinach, a layer of clover grew. With the intense competition it has dwarfed all the plants, essentially giving me a long term source of baby kale and spinach for fresh raw eating. The clover is a nice bonus in flavor and vitamins.
Overall everything is going much better than I had hoped for this year. The garden has been providing food, entertainment, and therapy. I'll leave you all with a portrait photo of a couple garden residents.
Thanks for reading Permies!