janet jacobsen

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since Oct 27, 2012
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I am from the west and by that I mean California and Colorado.  I moved here partially because of all the wonderful things that grow well down here, the long growing season, the rainfall and this move just felt right.  I am interested in discussions on what I can grow in my region.  I am using hugele kultures and having some success.  I'm excited to learn more.  I'm also interested in different types of housing such as earth homes.
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Recent posts by janet jacobsen

I wish I lived closer- I'd be there.
10 years ago
They are beautiful!
11 years ago
wonderful, Judith, thanks!
11 years ago
Ok, I've been cutting on the spot and cleaning at home (never occurred to me to clean in the woods with all the ticks and chiggers around and making themselves comfortable on my body). Sounds like I'm doing it the "Sepp Holtzer way except, perhaps, cutting instead of pulling. Thanks!
11 years ago
I'm glad to know about you. We may just have to take a trip to Georgia and stay at your Inn!
11 years ago
My blueberries did well the second year and less well the third. I had the soil tested, it was not acidic enough for blueberries to thrive. This spring I added sulphur flakes with some well composted soil. They are doing well again. You might want to get your soil tested.
11 years ago
I am new to foraging for mushrooms and I've been with friends who have taught me how to forage for chanterelles and oyster mushrooms. I ran across something Sepp Holzer said about harvesting; he says that the mushroom should not be cut, cleaned and the remaining parts left behind. Does he mean you should cut lower than the stem? This is on page 158 of "Sepp Holzer's Permaculture" book if this is helpful. I have been cutting low on the stem and placing in a basket then when I get home I brush the mushroom off with a soft brush and possibly trim a little more off the bottom of the stem. I have not cut down into the part the stem grows out of. I appreciate any clarification you can give me.
11 years ago
I have had better luck with regular pots than peat pots- the concept is good but my seedlings dry out too fast and once I put them in the hugelkultur they just don't do well.
Concern for the environment led to giving up car and riding bike then concern over peak oil led to transition movement and becoming a locavore all of which led to permaculture. Great question!
11 years ago