About showing roosters "who is the boss". I have had about 20 roosters, in a variety of breeds and temperaments over the years. I have only had to put one in the soup pot. Most I have raised from hatching and I think this helps. When a rooster starts to get aggressive with me, I let him know who is in charge by imitating a rooster action. With a glove on to protect from biting, I gently but firmly push down on his back between the wings and near the neck, forcing him into a squatting position. I am careful not to hurt him, just demonstrate that I am bigger than he is. Usually I have to do this more than once, but so far at least, never more than 3 days in a row.
The one exception, Mr. Soup, flew up at and attacked both my son and myself as soon as we walked into the chicken run. This left no room for negotiation as far as I was concerned. The soup tasted great.