Jason Talmage

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since Dec 16, 2012
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Burkburnett, TX Zone 7b
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Recent posts by Jason Talmage

When will it go to seed, because it has yet to have any of the spiny seed pods on it yet? I also don't see a purple tint to the edge of the flowers. I don't have a clue how it got there. Wikipedia said that native american tribes would use it in a brew as an intoxicant. haha. I don't intend to use it like that but I guess I will need to do somthing before it goes to seed in my beds. Thank you folks out. I love the immediate responses on this forum and the passion that everyone displays.
10 years ago
Started a sheet mulch bed in the spring and threw down some butter crunch lettuce, kale, and parsley just to see what would happen and this thing has been going crazy in there but it doesn't look like any of the aforementioned plants to me. Sheet mulch bed was really laid down for next year so I wasn't expecting a whole lot out of it this year. Anyway here are some pics.
10 years ago
Hey Doug how is it going. Haven't posted in a while. I haven't been able to come up there yet but talked to my dad and he travels down that way all the time to see a buddy of his and I told him about your place. His name I'd Mitch so if you see someone coming up on you in a F350 black super duty it is probably him.
11 years ago
That is great to know. I am learning so much from this forum. Thank you so much.
11 years ago
Thanks alder. It kind of looked edible. I hoped this soil would be somewhat fertile. But I don't know if it is because of all the industrial fertilizer used around this area or if it is fertile naturally.
11 years ago
Thinking milkweed but corrected if I'm wrong
11 years ago
This grows like a little tree especially in compacted soils and has a big taproot. Just wondering what it is. In north Texas.
11 years ago
Chaz, thanks for all that info. I have lived here my whole life but never owned any property. Knowing about getting your own attorney is great to know.
11 years ago
The wife and I would really like to move to the Austin (Hill Country) area but, it is a bit more expensive down there and I am looking to buy a few acres and get out of the residential rat race. Kind of hard to do down there I would think. Wichita Falls just got dubbed the second cheapest city for cost of living this week. Unfortunately it is also one of the most obese cities with a population over 100,000.
11 years ago
I signed up as well and am really enjoying the course. Being in a place where the closest PDC is 8 hrs away, taking it online is great, and with one of the greats of permaculture too. Not too shabby. I like the online deal because I got my Bachelor's online and I am already use to that style of teaching. Of course, I would love to go to Australia and do it in person but I think the 1000 bucks for the course and all the dvds isn't too bad. I like the fact that my wife can watch the videos and get on the same page with me about the whole permaculture idea. It was hard explaining to her about it before I started taking this course.