Hello all,
Roger from Unforgettable fire llc, inventor of the Kimberly stove.
Most folks have a hard time at first understanding our little creation, and cost is usually the first big question, comparing this to a rocket stove would be the second. I think the best place to start is that the market standard stoves ( which I sold, installed, and maintained professionally for years {Pacific energy, Country, Vermont castings, regency, Osburn and many others}) have a single flame path with secondary combustion air injected in at the front of the baffle at the top of the flame to create a longer burn time. Rocket stoves are much the same but were originally conceived for cooking purposes in third world applications as an in expensive method of replacing the indoor camp fire normally used by mothers trying to cook for their family in an impoverished lifestyle. These methods use tons of fire wood ( The damage seen to the Amazon Forest) and create completely unhealthy air quality conditions.
The Kimberly gets called a wood stove when it is in fact a gasifying stove, but few people would understand the vernacular. The bottom fire is barely strong enough to keep the fuel pile at more than a smoldering rather than an aggressive and clean burn, it is in a sense a generator of fuel for the secondary fire ( a completely separate fire zone) on the top of the stove, which often hits internal temperatures of 1400 to 1700 deg F. Since wood combustion is complete at 1100 deg f. we get a long burn on the bottom with and aggressive gas re-burn on the top.
Cost.......there are 118 precision laser cut and welded high grade stainless steel parts in this stove, the certification has so far cost me over $42,000.00 for EPA, UL LIST and CSA for Canadian export........While we have one of the most expensive wood stoves ever built ( all domestic materials and craftsmanship) our completed package price is very average when compared to the awesome stoves I used to sell due to the decrease in construction costs of the complete installation, while providing far more in accessories such as our thermo electric generator, oven, hot water coils and portability, not to mention the fact that it can be safely installed in the tiny space where most stoves can not go.
The best testimony for this stove fooled even myself. We actually used two Kimberly's in a display in North Eastern Oregon to heat up a 3000 sq/ft single story house from 45 deg F (with an outside temp of 34 deg F.) to 71 deg F. in under 12 hours and held that temperature with the door opening and closing as people came and went. Even I was a bit shocked at this. The disclaimer......this home was brand new (never before heated) but had r 40 in the ceilings, 30 in the floors, 19 in the walls and good double panes......as with any heating source there has to be three key aspects in heating (1) heat production (2) heat retention (3) heat circulation. In this case we had all three components working in harmony.......in this way we advertise the best case scenario of 1500 sq/ft capability.
I hope this helps people wondering if we are nuts, but it really does work. For more information feel free to email me directly at
Thank you
Roger & Bridget Lehet inventors/founders