Brandon Karhu

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since Dec 29, 2012
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Recent posts by Brandon Karhu

Strawberries are a super good companion for blueberry's. They keep weeds down, hold moisture, build biomass, produce berries and they like the same soil PH.
11 years ago
Your daughter is very pretty by the way.
11 years ago
Dave, your comment really inspired me. It's great to see apples from the tree you grew from seed. I put a bunch of apple seeds inside a mason jar between moss. It's in my refrigerator to re create the overwintering so i can germinate them. I am going to also try peaches from seed, I just need to start buying organic peaches from the store or something.

I was at work one day doing landscaping and a apple tree was hanging over the fence from the wetland behind the customers house. Lucky for me the apples where ripe and worthless to the home owner. About half of the harvest fell onto the grass and started to rot away. I filled up my huge hiking backpack with the rest, I probably got 100 apples. I made the best apple sauce I've ever eaten. The next day at work my boss cut the tree down!!! I was devastated! I looked at the wood and the stump. It appeared to be grown from seed, no graft union. This was one of the reasons i wanted to start growing trees from seed, but anyways... After the day's work i went behind the fence with a couple shovel fulls of sandy soil and buried the stump about 1 ft. deep. I going to go back in a couple weeks and collect the root stocks, if they are ready.
11 years ago
I live in the pacific northwest, zone 8. Is there a variety of rice that can grow in this climate?
11 years ago
If you want a mineral accumulator, try Artichokes. They are edible too!
12 years ago
Sounds like a resource to me. squirrels could be a good source of food if things got tight. I don't mind having them in my garden. They spread seeds.
12 years ago
Swales spread it out slow it down and sink it in.
12 years ago
I am very eager although not impatient, and as for land use. I have access to acres. I will try to start getting seeds from tree's grown locally, and germinating them. Does anyone have links to resources on how to do this correctly?
12 years ago
There are two types of comfrey. one is Russian comfrey and the other one i don't know the slang name to. Russian comfrey is very rare and it can spread by seed. the other more common comfrey can NOT spread by seed. Oh, and comfrey propagates very easily by root divisions.
12 years ago
The cool thing is I'm 20 years old, so i have a while to mess around with stuff like this.
12 years ago