Claire Gardner wrote:
Jason Breitkreuz wrote:Hi Claire,
I have noticed no change in my dreams.
I have had what is called a herxheimer reaction, which is a worsening of symptoms for a period...
Read the article Morrigan linked to a second time, and investigate before trying anything. I do want to add a caution that I am not offering medical advice and will leave that to the doctors.
I actually researched it pretty deeply once, mixed up the solution and was going to start on it. My husband decided to try it first and chugged it... talk about a "Herxheimer!" He got so sick it scared me off, but we both know why it happened. As for the effects of fluoride... I don't need convinced. I got pretty deeply involved in politics at one point, learned more than I really want to know. We've been off fluoride for years, and although we do not offer medical advice, we certainly do not go to doctors for it. I'll seek their training if I need someone to set a broken limb, treat me for a stroke or heart attack, but not advice. For what it is worth, I am retired from a career in healthcare, my husband is an RN.
You are not the only person who has told me how much better they feel, I am just working up the gumption to get past my mental block. I'm going to start with half dose today.
The dreams.... I have seen people who claim that pineal calcification inhibits the ability to do lucid dreaming. That was what promted the question.