Karl De Pauw

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since Feb 20, 2013
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atheist ,we line only once but thanks to all the sience  and the folks who work with us not against us we live longer than our great great grand fathers
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Recent posts by Karl De Pauw

HI Erica ,
I was thinking about your copper cheat around the barrel ,in hi school we used to experiment with copper sulfide ,water, low voltage , a copper rod and a piece of metal , the copper would go true the mix of copper sulfide and water to form a thin film on the metal piece this is just an idea i had ,maybe something to look into
10 years ago
that is with p-channel and trip wire incorporated, maybe it is better te ask peter vdb

10 years ago
in the same magic of things ,a bachtbox rocketstove has a reduction of +- 29%before the heariser can we do the same thing with a J -tube just hefore the riser on one side to ceate a vortex without choking it ?

10 years ago
hy you all ,

it's a long time since i've sent some time here sorry for my englich(dutch mother thongue) , I've notist that when you put your heatriser in the corner of the barrel you get more radiant heat on the opposite side (btw a circle has no corner) could it be that if you put it all the way up to the barrel it would stay "cool" on that side and you can stay closer to awall without heating too much
10 years ago
Hi Kjartan,
if you have face book , we at rocket stove/rocket mass heaters international and rocket mass heaters try to connect folks
so you can always put up your request there, i know it's a bit late
but you are welkom there

kind regards karl ,
10 years ago
You can put your riser completly agianst the barrel no problem just make sure to make the top gap above the riser is a littel bigger 1/2" will do
11 years ago
how is it drying out now ? we oldies like feedback too lol :-p
if it's dry in a few days let me know otherwisse there is an other problem
try to stoke it realy hard because now you have the time to do something about the probs
when your cold it's to late
kind regards
11 years ago
sorry my idea was to dagerous
11 years ago
make the riser thicker than in your drawing so the insulation can do it's work
11 years ago
you can use perlite but make shure that its fix whit clay the clay can whitstand the heat so can the perlite( that is rock expanded under heat )you can use a cardboard sonotube as a iner mold . Burn it out and you have your riser afther the riser the temperatures go douwn a lot there you can use metal no probs
11 years ago