Morgan Carey

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since Jul 06, 2013
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Recent posts by Morgan Carey

Thank you Paul, I appreciate you. Sorry to bother you but Quicktime is saying that it, "can't open a file of this kind". It downloaded asrocket-oven-640x360.mp4.part is that correct? Any suggestions? Took long time in Prehistoricville to download so hoping there's an easy fix.
6 years ago
No success at all downloading. Where can I download tiny version? Thanks
6 years ago
Downloading hd doc not working. Are you providingthose of us who supported your kickstarter with tiny download free of charge? link please. Thanks much. I have been trying all day long with no success. Where can I download smaller file without being charged?
6 years ago
Hi Quick question, how close should berm be established on pond edge? Can anyone give me any tips on this aspect? I have removed all rocks/and roots from soil I will be using, now it is predominantly clay.
6 years ago
Mahalo. Pile is back up to 110 degrees after adding more greens, urine, and mushroom slurry(Thanks Bryant) Gonna add some chicken poop today and hope I can get pile up to that 130-140 range.
6 years ago
Thanks so much. Bryant, about the slurry, how many(volume) mushrooms will I need, how do i make it, and do I spray or pour in center.
6 years ago
So the pile has cooled down a little more(second day after second turning. Should I turn it again mixing more greens into it? It feels counterintuitive to wet it down again, however although it feels very moist I can't seem to squeeze a drop.
6 years ago
Here on Island of Maui on Eastern side of Island I have built a pile 4 ft by 4 ft using four 5 gallon buckets of wood chips, four green leaves and grasses, two of cow and horse manure repeated to fill. I also sprinkled about half a bucket of bio char, placed 1 dozen comfrey leaves in center, and tarpped. After 5 days pile only got to 110 degrees at hottest points. The pile had dried out considerably (I couldn't squeeze one drop.) I turned the pile adding perhaps too much moisture and now a day later the temps have dropped to 80. I am concerned that I turned my pile too soon and halted the process. Mahalo nui
6 years ago
We ended up doing in Arcidosso and Frascati. No problems at all. We just built first Hugelbeet in Firenze, buried walnut, fig, and olive. We'll see how it does, will post pics in a few months, built 45 meters of swale gardens too all by hand but labor of love. I don't care why anybody burns their biomass, it doesn't bode well for state of relationship with Mother Earth. Desertification is a big problem in Portugal, and Spain and beginning to rear it's ugly head here in Italy as well. There are days when smog is so bad that they do alternate license plate driving yet burning your prunings and yard waste is legal and an accepted practice? It's crazy. They spent all this money on Expo which was a big freakin joke sponsored by some of the most deatructive companies on the planet like Coca Cola and Nestles, maybe even Bayer. Nobody seems to have water filters and most families go through a dozen plastic bottles of water a week. The hydrology here is very challenged in particular because runoff water is wasted, not much rainwater capture and old school building technologies have been abandoned in favor of crappy asphalt and cement. I've been doing my beat to set a good example here.
7 years ago