Adam Troy

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since Aug 31, 2013
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My apologies

I did improper editing
was originally TWO properties...and I was too hurried in putting up this post
the property in western North Carolina was indeed over 3,000 feet and has gone private

my female farmer friend's homestead in Halifax County Virginia is indeed just 430 feet elevation...84 acres...mostly wooded, donkeys, rabbits, alittle poultry, small garden, cabins

again, my apologies for the "elevation" confusion

9 years ago

You should be a writer...just brilliant...everything about the intentional community, homesteader, off-grid, whacked out people, expectations, meeting new crazies, difficulty of existence
I don't know exactly what genre you should write in but I can easily see a book or two from you.

I've tried to help my friend sandra at her 84 acre Virginia farm start an intentional community...for years...we actually had it going fairly well for about a year...dozen people there...old school buses, RVs, tents, tobacco drying sheds, sharecropper's shack, huge but unfinished cabin...had nutcases, alcoholics, druggies, abusers, mentally ill, do nothings, name it...many people lied about who they REALLY were, what they were really guy was priceless...a befuddled Indiana Jones who wanted to prospect for gold ...had dredges, bought worthless land on eBay on the Cali-Mexi border...couldn't do East Coast USA so followed hippie chicks and Rainbow people and went west...following communities on the left coast, jobs at fracking sites in North Dakota...just quirky but lovable

Everybody slowly drifted away...big city lights...not enough Playstation or wi-fi or porno or horror flicks or too hot, too cold, too much work, no Starbucks

Man it is hard and you verbalize it better than I ever could

and yes, the system is crashing NOW...tired of warning people as I have been too early...several years too early...but it IS happening now

and when it does, thatz when they will come out of the woodwork, all suddenly ON BOARD and WANTING to be at your Bug Out Location...Safe Zone...all the above lunatics
where are the good people now?? Too busy surviving in place I guess...dealing with their schizophrenic son/daughter/mother/spouse...baggage and drama...everywhere

good luck...I'm in a small town in Virginia about 50 minutes to my friends farm and THAT is my Plan B

Would love to read an update from your efforts...or a YouTube...hopefully you didn't mistakenly invite a wiccan high priestess to your property and she turned you into a beanstalk on your Nova Scotia land....

I worry that 10 km from the sea/ocean/water...may not be enough...or the climate debate is all wrong and we are headed into a Little Ice Age as some renegade anti-government scientists say
instead of Global Warming which some say is just an Elitist plan to TAX us for don't even know what to believe anymore

but YOU have a great handle on describing the world...and I love your mentors...James Howard Kunstler, Greer, Orlov...just the very people I read daily

we dont have long now...lots is happening and the SHTF ... we wont make it past this year now without massive change, dislocation...look at California...the drought now has finally woken up lots of people to the point housing values have just begun to PLUMMET...soon no jobs...MILLIONS of Climate Refugees...No water soon in the whole Southwest USA

It HAS begun and you had your finger on the pulse

Please write more!!

9 years ago

See the forum thread
Anyone in or around Southside Virginia
under Intentional Community topic

where are you in Virginia
sandra's 84 acre farm is in Halifax County, north of the town of Halifax and South Boston
has donkeys and rabbits and an ebb and flow if poultry
has been rough...finding serious communitarians is very difficult
let alone trying to make any money with farming ventures of any sort now
has had Wwoofers nd HelpXers and people and even a thriving community that did last a couple years
maybe you and her should meet??
9 years ago
Hi Rosalie-

Good luck on your quest...Twin Oaks and Acorn might be really good choices...I've visited Twin Oaks...takes a certain kind of person to live and thrive in an environment like that...Twin Oaks Tofu business has taken the place of their Pier One Hammock business when I was there a good while ago...but the Tofu building was hard work, wet, slippery, heavy work...I'd love to hear an update. You gonna visit anytime soon?? They also had an odd Book Indexing Business...never heard how that was doing...Doesn't Acorn have that SOUTHERN EXPOSURE SEED EXCHANGE?? That business has been kicking butt...really took off...if I have the right place.

Most communities fail, over 90% but these have stood the test of time tho bad press creeps in every once in awhile.

I dont know how young you are but you will llearn alot about people, personalities, quirks, psychoses, power, dominance, submission, cooperation...the good and the bad about the human condition. The hope of changing the world is fading...being replaced by the hope of just finding a place that is livable and safe and some like-minded social adventurers.

Good luck. They might be perfect. If you get the chance you should visit EARTHAVEN in Black Mountain, North Carolina...320 acres, 60 people ...costly but there are some interning possibilities.

9 years ago
Just me and my sweet german shepherd in a nice house and property with small but prolific garden...quaint, safe, quiet lake town ... away from the insanity of the city ... hoping the chaos will pass us by... middle age guy, used to look exactly like actor Jeff Bridges till we BOTH went over the hill!! Ha. Into chill living, a glass of wine, movies , huge book fan, used bookstores, LOVE quilts...ok a quilt fetish...simple woman desired, low maintenance, not into any materialistic competitions, been there, traveled the world, ex-airline employee throughout South America, had a business in the Grand Duchy of just seeking the simple life in the rolling green hills of southern Virginia but in range of occasional trips to Raleigh for a quick dose of civiliztion...wanna get back to growing terrific varieties of peppers and tomatoes and green beans and cukes and squash this coming spring...with the right woman partner....have the place, have the locale, have the intent, have the morals and ethics ... only thing missing is you.

Thinking globally, acting beaches and mountains at sunrise and sunset...weird stuff that washes up on the shore, back alley cafes, dives and diners, holistic solutions NOT Big Pharma, blazing fire under the stars

Do you wanna be away from the rat race, grow real food, live a slower, safer pace, love animals, quilts, sewing, reading ... I have alot to offer for the right woman who is anywhere up to about 57 ... prefer slim, average, few extra pounds and over 5'2" as I am tall, mustache, stocky but holding onto looks (barely ha) and no health problems other than starting to creak a bit.

If you need jewelry, diamonds, BMWs ...well I'd think you wouldn't be here in the first place

Seeking intelligent lovers tend to fit these desires more than non-animal lovers...I used to raise Clydesdales for years for example

time is short for things to remain reasonable enough to explore this possibility before things are out of hand...not doomer but realistic and watching the unraveling...please at least be awake

contact me at GardnerMcKay at hotmail dot com

Capt Adam Troy captained the Tiki schooner in the great 1950s tv show about French Polynesia...ADVENTURES IN PARADISE
Gardner McKay was the amazing actor who played the part...a fascinating person in real life
yeah, sorta a hobby interest...tell me your interests??
10 years ago
I'm posting for my female farmer friend who has 80+ hidden acres in the Piedmont of Virginia...she's struggled thu the years and had a community of a dozen there for over a year but all have slowly drifted away for the bright lights of civilization...what's civilized about it?? She has donkeys, poultry, an ancient asean pear orchard...had a really neat high dollar specialty cash crop 2 seasons ago when she had help...jeruselum artichokes....the farm is reforming now with a couple people into off-grid's pretty primitive but does have phone, very limited electricity and internet.

She'd like to find some agri-preneurs who'd like to start some ventures like

mushroom farming
meat rabbitry
flea marketing
goat herding
specialty cash crops
off-grid businesses

There is a very large but unfinished cabin...a usable sharecroppers shack, a handbuilt tool building...and an old dilapidated house used for storage. You can live here very cheaply if you're hardy...brainstorm some moneymaking crops/ventures...practice permaculture and off-grid living. Please no druggies, addicts, abusers, mentally ill...had enough of that. Since she does work crazy hours part-time, please send me an introductory email and contact info and I'll pass it along to her...generally takes about 3-4 days for her to respond...One liners get no response.

What would You like to do ?? She's very flexible and open to your ideas. Can be long-term for the right person.
11 years ago