Jennifer Charlton-Dennis

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since Nov 09, 2013
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My husband and I are well.. Obsessed with living off the land and anything we can do to teach our children to appreciate what the earth provides for us.
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North East Ohio
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Recent posts by Jennifer Charlton-Dennis

Kind of off topic but: Have any of you tried wild asparagus that you found near a ditch? I'm just worried about run off from vehicles and such. We live in a very rural area, but there is still run off. Thanks
10 years ago
Hey John,

Just wondering if any of winter storm electa passed by you and how things have been going. It was 12 degrees here yesterday but 30 today so much better!!
Hope thing are going well!!

11 years ago
Hey John,

Just wondering how your modifications worked out during the big freeze. Did you guys get as much snow as you were expecting down there? Hope all is well!

11 years ago
Thanks Satamax,

I'm going to check out that thread!

11 years ago
Just wondering if anyone is still on this thread?
11 years ago
Hey George,

Just wondering if you're still working on your project. Hope all is well!!

11 years ago

Thanks for the advice! It's funny you mention Four dead in Ohio. My mother in law actually owns a music venue in Kent where the shootings happened. (Well not funny, you know what I mean) They try to get Neil Young to come every year in May but he never will

Anyways, you're correct. That's my biggest fear, misidentifying a plant. There is so much that Mother nature provides for us that is healthful, but also harmful. I just want to gain as much knowledge as I can before I share anything with my family. Thanks again,

11 years ago
Hopefully getting our Firebrick soon. We've been trying to repurpose firebrick from old stoves that can no longer be used but we're going to have to buy some. I can't believe how much new firebrick costs. I guess you get what you pay for. Don't want to skimp on a RMH to heat the home. Thanks for taking a look guys!

11 years ago

Just wondered if you'd thought of anything like this video to help keep your water warm. If we had more room we'd like to build something like this. Hope everything is going well.

11 years ago

Thank you for the info!! It's funny how many obvious edibles one forgets just because they can be purchased from the store!! I see you wrote Ramps first!! My family loves them! We're originally from West Virginia so they were a pretty big part of my families diet. Anyways we pick enough of them every spring/ summer right here near Oberlin to last the year. We love us some Ramps an taters'!!

I'm very interested in the wild garlic! I'm going to look that up as soon as I post this. I must admit that I have not heard of some of the others you mentioned. But, we are new to this. ( Why I have so many questions haha!!) Thank you again,

11 years ago