Ian Sullivan

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since Feb 06, 2014
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Recent posts by Ian Sullivan

Thank you for responding to my post. I'm somewhat clueless but determined. Have a beautiful autumn.
7 years ago
My lush gargantuan stand of jerusalem artichoke has been almost completely inundated with powdery mildew. Has anyone dealt with this already? What worked? Can you still eat the chokes? Is there a simple way to determine the specific fugus it is? Do the plants need to be bagged and chucked when I take them out or can they be composted? What can I do to prevent a repeat next season? The butterflies are loving the flowers this week, and the rest of the plant is like an army of blech.  Any info and experience you have will be a great help. Thank you.     Ian
7 years ago
I'm on the hunt for some asparagus seed. Wondering if anyone has a patch growing, either wild or cultivated, and would be willing to send me some before the winter comes. Working on getting in some longer term and lower maintenance foods that are still supremely delicious ( jerusalem artichoke, garlic chive, assorted wild edibles). Now asparagus is at the top of the list. Can send postage, seeds in exchange, or just a pile of gratitude. Thank you,     Ian
7 years ago
Thank you all for your pointers and experience.
10 years ago
Looking for someone with experience fermenting who I could ask several questions. Such as- how long can my saurkraut last before going bad? How would I even know? smell? mold? Recently made my first ferment, super basic, rediculously delicious, of course I made half a gallon of it. Why make a little when you could make
a lot? Looking forward to experimenting next month with some different vegetables. Please help if you can. Thank You.
10 years ago
It's still snowing and I'm still trading. oi.

I've got-

fordhook giant chard
morning glory-purple
morning glory-flying saucers
queen anne's lace

looking for-

white yarrow
heavenly blue morning glory
stinging nettle
white sweet clover
any wild edibles
or just make an offer

10 years ago
Hello. I've got extra seed I won't be using. Anyone want to swap?

I have to trade-

bouquet dill
mammoth snow pea
georgia collard
giant fordhook chard
yellowstone carrot
globe thistle
( all organic/ some heirloom)

I have to give

purple morning glory
queen anne's lace

Looking for-

angelica a.k.a.alexanders
white yarrow
stinging nettle
white sweet clover
nodding wild onion
pepper grass
any herbs, greens, wild edibles