Nicole Alderman

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since Feb 24, 2014
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Five acres, two little ones, one awesome husband, 12 ducks (give or take), and a bunch of fruit trees and garden beds. In her spare time, Nicole likes to knit, paint, draw, teach kids, make fairies & dragons, philosophize, and read fantasy. She doesn't HAVE spare time, but does like to fantasize about it!
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Recent posts by Nicole Alderman

I love having art around me, though until this year my house was so small that there wasn't much wall space to put said art. But, we remodeled our garage into a family room, and now I have more wall space!

I initially put up this shelf to store eggs (since this shelf is right by our back door that leads to the duck house), but it quickly got filled with my pretty books and wattle and daub round house. My kids then called it the Wizard Shelf. So, of course, I had to hang the Wizzard R Ranson painted for me (check out her awesome paintings) and the wooden wizard my husband made me (years ago, he worked a wood shop and spotted a "wizard" in the grain of the wood and made the frame for it out of scraps).  Since I ended up storing my prettier/medieval-esk board games on the shelf, I put the dice bags I knitted &/or felted up there, too. I need to think of some way to beautify the electrical panel. But, I'm pretty happy with it for now!

Wizard shelf with pretty books, dice/marble bags I made, a medieval house, and wizard art
1 day ago

M Rives wrote:My wife quilts. Over the years, she has become quite good, I think... She created an applique design for the cat from a photo then put it all together and quilted it. The horse started as a blank white piece of fabric which she painted and then did more thread painting on top. The larger quilt includes some intersting over/under 3D imagery with the 'ribbons' of thread. She rotates through hanging these and many others on our walls.

We also have some other paintings and sculptures done by our friends which are boxed up until we finish our new home.

WOW! I'm so glad you posted that close up. I thought she'd just painted on some cloth and appliqued it on there. But, no, what she did is frankly amazing. WOW!
1 day ago
If you got a suspicious PM, you can also report the PM. There's a link at the bottom of each PM that says, "Report this PM"
A good place would be to click the report button on the suspicious post. That will provide us with evidence of their behavior, and make it very easy for us to visit their profile and see what else they've posted.

If you can't find the , try clicking the button. That should bring up more buttons, including the report button.

I hope that helps!
Since this thread was started, I've also accumulated some LED lanterns. This--in combination with using more beeswax and less lamp oil--has made it so that none of us develop coughs during a long power outage. We were out of power for 100 hours in the fall (our longest outage), and no one developed any issues. We burned through a lot of candles and used up the charge on some of our LED lanterns and had to recharge them when the generator was running our fridge & freezer.

One key to LED lanterns in a long power outage is to keep it at as dim of a light as you need. Sure, turn the light up if you need to find something or if you're cooking. But, otherwise, keep it turned down. My favorite lantern is still the Goal Zero handcrank lantern. I got it four years ago, and it's still going strong. My kids and I have both used it as a reading light, and I use it as a nice dim light in the bathroom at night. Sometimes I use it when I want to go out and pick some dandelions for tea at night. And, of course, it's super handy during power outages. My kids bought me two more LED lanterns for my birthday last year, so now I have 3 of them. All of them are hand-crank, so I can power them by hand if I need to. But, I usually just charge them with a USB cord.

We also have a few Recharable headlamps that are super helpful for cooking, and my husband loves to hook up LED lights to battery banks and point them toward the ceiling for ambient light.

We also make candles every year (I actually just taught my kids' class how to make candles today, and everyone made their own candle). My kids love dipping candles and always ask to make them every winter when the storms come. We also usually end up rolling candles in the winter, too. I do find that the rolled candles burn brighter--but also smokier--than the dipped ones.

What we usually end up doing is hanging an LED lantern in our living room and kitchen, and we put a candle in each bathroom and bedroom during the day. At night, I just put the LED lanterns in the bathroom so we can turn them on when we need them. I also put bright glow tape on all of the lanterns, hand crank radios, and headlamps so they're easy to find in the dark. We only rarely use the oil lamps, and when I do use them, I limit them to the hurricane lamps that I can adjust the wick height of. All of this combined results in decent lighting without the extra air pollution.
3 days ago
There's an odd gap (at least on my desktop computer's view) at the "Come for just a week..."

I can't tell if there should be a picture in the place and it just didn't load. Or maybe something funky happened with bullets to make them further over?

I think this section used to have a longer wordy/picture bit under the "come for just a week" and under the "..or stay for a while..." which might be why the bullets are in different places. Since this section is smaller, maybe it'd make more sense for the "...or stay for a while..." bit to be right justified.

Also, I think bootcamp has a minimum of two weeks now, instead of one? Or maybe I'm confused or maybe that's changed? If it's a two-week minimum, maybe the "come for just a week" would work nicely as a "come for a couple of weeks"

Richard Gorny wrote:Across the page, they look inconsistent to me. Amatic SC is quite extravagant, does not look well combined with traditional fonts, like Times New Roman.  

Permies has a long history of using a font similar to Amatic SC, called "Cardenio Modern" (you can see its use on and in a lot of banner ads. When I originally made the pages, I went looking for something like either Incognitype (like in the Permies logo) or
Cardenio Modern. I don't think I found anything like Incognitype, but Amatic SC was really close to Cardenio Modern. I was trying for a bit of "permies brand" feel to make it feel like permies when it's seen.  (You can see it at, for the same reason).

It could be that we want to move away from it, especially since it's not as visible on permies any more, and it wasn't in his DVDs or Building a Better World (though the font in SKIP is pretty similar).

Either way, though, it'd probably be a huge pain to change the font on all the Wheaton Lab pages to something else.

What if the Times New Roman was changed to something like Arial that's not serif? That would keep the headers as the "permies font" and still matching across all the Wheaton Lab pages. I'm thinking less people would notice if the Times New Roman changed to Arial than if Amatic is changed to something else.

I would not write in all caps such a long parts of the text as they are at the beginning, caps are rather for emphasizing main points, as it is done properly later.

I agree. I think on the original Bootcamp page and the other Wheaton Lab pages, all the non-header text was Times New Roman. I always made the Animatic bold to make it easier to read. I think the non-bolded Amatic is harder to read than the bold, but that's just me? I'm thinking maybe the Animatic paragraphs happened as a default?
We actually have a forum that is called Land Shares, which is "A a forum for posting land/apartments/homesteads/homes you want to share with others. It is also for people to post who are searching for such land shares."

thanks again!
could you tell me how to delete my original post?  I can edit things, but I'm not seeing anyway to delete it entirely.

There's no need to delete you thread--we already added it to those forums and so it should be showing up there.
I saw this on facebook today, and couldn't resist posting it to this thread.
2 weeks ago
I only got one notification for the thread!