I"m in Greene County, just a hop, skip, and jump over the mountain from Asheville, NC.
I visited here from CA decades ago and the change in this area in the last 30 years is amazing.
Transplants are coming in by the droves and bringing in new ideas.
I love so many things about this place - the importance of family, the importance of tradition, the value of Christian heritage... but it can be also a little stubborn when it comes to doing ANYthing if Mammaw and Pappaw didn't do it.

Mammaws and Pappaws have a lot of influence around here. That's a good thing, really.
You couldn't find anything but fluffy white bread 10 years ago.
Now you can find sourdough and good quality whole wheat.
"Organic" used to be one of those new-fangled ideas - now you can find them in almost every store.
What would be great is if the sticking to heritage went back further than 2 generations, and hearkened back to many generations - and permaculture style ideas.
With more people arriving, the transplants are getting to be almost as populous as the natives, so I am finding more and more like-minded people.
I have many friends interested in learning natural and healthful ways of life here.
One of them is actually an artist and does a bit of traveling back and forth to Asheville.
Another friend is just finishing up a cordwood house.
For myself - I have a bunch of people from church who want to come over and learn as they assist me in building earth ovens and heaters.
Permaculture is a new term for what we've always called self-sustained living.
If you said permaculture to a lot of people, they'd look at you funny.
But say you want to be able to fully support yourself and your family off the land in a way that increases the production rather than laying waste to what you've got, then there are quite a few people here interested.