Jason Lloyd

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since Feb 11, 2015
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Recent posts by Jason Lloyd

William, I have 13 ducks in with about 20 chickens and they all generally get along fine
10 years ago
Love your website Walter, lots of good information
10 years ago
Just outside of the town near where I live 5 new houses have been built. Today I went past and all the big gum trees that were growing along the verge have been chopped down and stumps removed. they weren't encroaching on the property's. What thell is wrong with people? Most of the land has been cleared for farming in my area. It's not like these trees were in the way.

God it makes me angry!
10 years ago
More than half the roofs in australia are galvanized tin.....
10 years ago
I live in Australia and everyone i know has rainwater tanks. I do not know anyone who filters their rainwater. My whole house except for the toilet is on rainwater and we drink straight out of the tap, no filtering. Unless you have acid rain or its raining dogs and cats I can't see the point in filtering it. It's just an extra cost running pumps and changing filters......
10 years ago

not sure if its been posted before
10 years ago
In south Australia kostas. Our elevation is about 450m. I will keep a record of how many I plant and how many come up and their vigor. I also have a pile of apples from another tree growing wild so will plant apple seeds aswell
10 years ago
I'm on my 3rd lot of incubated eggs and have a success rate of about 50%. i also have a chicken sitting on 9 eggs in the hen house so can't wait to see what her success rate is?
10 years ago
Your post intrigued me and was very informative. Since reading I have started planting left over almonds that we picked about a month ago from trees growing on the side of the road.

I live in a semi arid region on a worn out sheep and grain farm. I'm trying to find ways to re forest my 20 acres and thought this was a great idea. I do have quite a few gums and pines and lots of old man salt bush but 2 thirds of my land is just natural grasses.

Thanks for your inspiration
10 years ago