Encouraging others in the urban to rural transition
Idle dreamer
Encouraging others in the urban to rural transition
Idle dreamer
John Polk wrote:
Sustainably, 400 chickens per acre would be disaster. That is approximately 100 square feet per bird. Try putting one chicken in a 10' x 10' (100 sqft) area for 6 months and see what you have left. You would have bare soil that had so much nitrogen on it that nothing could regrow.
Encouraging others in the urban to rural transition
machinemaker wrote:
I am not sure if this helps or not. We raise 50 cornish cross meat birds for our own use in moveable pens, moving them every morning. Along with this we move a small chicken tractor with some layers, and we move a small pen of turkeys each morning too. We also move two calves in the same area using temporary electric fences about every two days. The area where we keep these is seperate from our main pasture, part of this is it is an area that we can't get a baler into and it needs to be cleared and tamed a little more, and part of it is under some fruit trees. This whole space is an acre or one and a half acre. We are using a small scale Salatin style system.
One thing to consider with the cornish crosses is that we keep them in the brooder for 2-3 weeks then in a 8'x 10' pen for 5-6 weeks. So this means that the meat birds only need 3360 square feet of space if they are out on the pasture for 6 weeks, the layers use maybe less than half this amount, but don't damage or use the grass as much as the meat birds, the turkeys are in a 6'x 8' pen until the meat birds are butchered then the turkeys are split between the two pens as they get bigger. All said the chickens and turkeys do not use the whole area. The calves are now getting large enough that I am pushing them into some of the brushier areas surrounding this area in addition to some of this grass pasture. Part of this area is not the best pasture since it is partically shaded. I try not to put them on the few acres of pasture we have this year in order to bale it for this winter. This is a difficult choice because I think the grazing would help the grass. I also have several acres that have been neglected and over grown for several decades that I want to clear for additional pasture.
Sorry to get long winded. I would think that depending on your pasture that a modified Salatin daily move system would work well on your acre. Once I got a system down I can make all the pen changes, feedings and watering each morning in a half to one hour. It probably could be a half of an hour if I did not enjoy this early morning routine. I also check on the animals every evening to add feed and water for the meat birds and turkeys, if I would spend some money on larger waterers and feeders I could get away from this. I think that I could put two more meat bird pens out in this area especially in the late spring and early fall when the grass is growing faster. We have had some dry weeks and the grass growth slowed down. I hope that this helps.
stewartrIL wrote:
50 hens/acre will generate an estimated 2.5 tons of manure/acre. They produce approximately: 106 lb. N, 30 lb. P, 61 lb. K
Quoting from: "Mixing Free-Range Hens and Ruminants on Pasture", Robert Plamondon- Norton Creek Farm. March 8, 2000 (Revised June 4, 2001)
I would think that liming would be required if you went much higher than this.
orange county boot camps
stewartr IL wrote:50 hens/acre will generate an estimated 2.5 tons of manure/acre. They produce approximately: 106 lb. N, 30 lb. P, 61 lb. K
Quoting from: "Mixing Free-Range Hens and Ruminants on Pasture", Robert Plamondon- Norton Creek Farm. March 8, 2000 (Revised June 4, 2001)
I would think that liming would be required if you went much higher than this.
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