Rick Kruszewski

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since Mar 12, 2015
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Recent posts by Rick Kruszewski

I live in Colorado.  Same here why do a controlled burn when winds are in the forecast?
2 years ago
Drink tart cherry juice. Also if you have a flair up have a bee or ant bite the affected area. Works like a charm instant relief.

2 years ago
They eat algae. Buy some algae tablets at a pet store. Also add water occasionally.
2 years ago
I’m not as high as you. 8000 ft near Crestone CO. I have Montrose apricots doing great. Plums, cherries, apples doing well. Honey berries and goji berries doing well.
2 years ago
I was under the impression that tiger lilies are poisonous. Day lillies are a great perennial. Everything is edible. Flower buds are delicious sautéed. New shoots also. And the tubers are like potatoes. Plus it spreads by itself.
4 years ago
Kinda shocked to read some of these posts. I would have guessed most on this site could easily last months if the grid went down. I could go a year easy if I were able to hunt some fresh meat occasionally. You all should get prepared. It's not IF but when the grid goes down.
4 years ago
I have 20 of them. Haven't had the success manufacturer claims but they do work better than planting directly in the ground less time irrigating for sure. Maybe seventy percent survival rate and I have to fill them maybe three times a summer.  Using two wicks works best. I get eight inches of rain a year in Colorado
4 years ago
Don't think you'll get too many offers at that price