oscar platt

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since Jul 20, 2015
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Recent posts by oscar platt

Hi Dave, I'm Oscar. I have 3 years experince working with my own permaculture garden. I know a good deal about vermiponics, and aquaponics. I'm currently doing research in peru on medicinal plants and potatoes. I will be back in september. my email is oscarplatt13@gmail.com
9 years ago


I have some Carpentry experience, and a good deal of experience working with permaculture gardens. I am currently in peru studying medicinal plants ,and the 5000+ varieties of potatoes in Peru. I will return in september. I would love to help out and learn more!

I'm 26 year old male, with a passion for permaculture.

my email is oscarplatt13@gmail.com
9 years ago

I am a 26 year old named oscar, and im very interested in helping out. I have 3 years of experience growing my own food. I know how to can, preserve, and save seed. I have built and run my own Aquaponic system for 2 years. Currently im doing some research on the 5000 varieties of potatoes, and medicinal plants in Peru. I'll be back in the states in september. My email is oscarplatt13@gmail.com.

9 years ago