Sara Peterson

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since Dec 15, 2015
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How is your search going? What is your timeline? I’d be interested to chat.
3 years ago
Welcome to AZ Connie. Did you make it? I’m in Kingman. I was just wondering how far you are. Good luck!
3 years ago
Would you want to come to Kingman, AZ? Please call me and I can give you more details.
We have a small private school and it’s more than I can explain in a post.
928-715-4196 Sara
6 years ago
That sounds really interesting.  I wish I could offer you a job.  We bought a 4.5 acre property just outside city limits in Kingman, AZ and are trying to get a permaculture homestead going.  So far, we have a well, some fencing and a few garden boxes but have all kinds of permaculture ambitions.  We also purchased a commercial property in the historic downtown with the intention of making it into a community art center. So far we have a gallery/recital hall. It probably sounds more glamorous than it is.  We also have a little private school going that will be moving into the commercial building and an old theater that is going to be renovated for use as a community theater and concert hall. I got on this site to check out if there were any permie people that might be interested in coming to Kingman, but I really have nothing concrete to offer. I feel my first purpose is to promote the arts in Kingman, but I'd also like to get the whole permaculture movement going here a little bit stronger as well as get my downtown property productive. THere's not much land to grow a garden at the property, but we have a little space and its a downtown property with 4 store fronts- and there is some land just 2 blocks away that I keep eyeing for the purpose of making into a community permaculture garden.  I keep imagining the school having some kind of entrepreneurial aspect to it where the kids could grow or make things to sell. Eventually, the school might outgrow the space and I would love to see it an artsy gallery, market, educational place.  THere's no commercial kitchen yet, but I'd love to add that. You say you have family in AZ and CA- Well, we are in a nice little crossroad close to both. My fantasy is to have some awesome permaculture people that could help us with all the work on our property, but also bring it to the community and get involved in some of these other crazy projects. You are welcome to crash here and talk about it if you are ever passing through.
7 years ago
We are building a new home, 4200 sq ft (family of 9) and A/C is the standard option. We are in the mohave desert about an hour and a half from las vegas, Elevation is about 3600 ft. Super dry here. Not as hot as Phoenix or even Vegas. It seems to me that a swamp cooler would work better here than anywhere. Any thoughts on evaporative coolers?
9 years ago
We are building a new home in Kingman AZ, and I want to include an attached sunroom. In addition to skylights, it would have windows facing east and south with the west side attached to the garage and the north side attached to a mudroom. It would not be heated, but would need to be cooled in the summer. I'm thinking portable swamp cooler. Does anyone have an attached sunroom that they use to grow things? Purpose would be year round growing of greens, flowers, using it for starts and a few potted citrus. Aesthetics are important. It needs to be beautiful inside and out. Any experience? Any suggestions on cooling? Any recommendations for materials to use or companies to use.
9 years ago