Steve Leeper

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since Dec 21, 2017
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Recent posts by Steve Leeper

So that means I have to buy it again? I meant to buy it as a gift the first time.  But that's OK, I will be living with them in a few more weeks so I will let them look at it on my computer.

OK, I believe I know the situation. I need to go to the links I can access, look for what I want to see, download it, and watch it. Is that right?
7 years ago
I was off the case for a while, but I still have not had my problem solved. I paid 150 dollars for a tiny download of the permaculture design and appropriate technology workshops.

I go to My Stuff, and there is my tiny download waiting for me. But when I click on it, I get taken to an ad for the workshops I thought I bought. And if I scroll all the way down to the bottom,

I get links to the things I now have access to. So I get it. This is the deal. Now that I paid, I can go in and see all those talks and all that information. So that is what I get, right?

It is not what I was expecting, but I can live with it. But the problem is, I really was trying to buy this to give it to someone else. How can I give this to someone? Is it possible?

7 years ago

I went to My Stuff, which I did before. I got this page:

On that page is the tiny download of the 177 hours.

When I clicked on that hoping to download it, I went to the page that advertises both the design and the technology courses:

At the top of that page in large font is: All of the PDC and ATC (~177 hours) - tiny download

After scrolling down through the promotional material, I come to:

premium content!

You now have access to the following hidden forums:

Then the forums and the links appear. When I hit the first link, I get a page that has about 30 discussions and forums I can download. All four of the links on that page lead to pages that offer 30 or 40 or more things to download. I never did see the screen that Paul said I should where I can send it as a gift.

I am not pasting the links in here because this is a fairly public forum. I apologize if I have already pasted in links you do not want shown, but when I hit the Contact Us button, it brought me to this forum, the Tinkering with this site page.

It is my impression that if I wanted to download all the material I now have access to, it would take about two days of concentrated downloading. This is what made me think I was making some sort of mistake.

In your reply, you seemed to say that I should be able to download the courses easily from My Stuff, which is why I have just told you what happened to me. I still think this is not what is supposed to happen. Do you agree? Should I be able to go to My Stuff and download the courses in a single download?

I love you guys and hate to be a problem, but I am still confused and suspecting that I am doing something wrong.


Thank you for this information. After coming to Tinkering with this site, I went to the top and clicked on Click Here. That took me to an explanation of how to buy something as a gift. In the first section, I saw that I could go to the digital market by clicking on that link, so I did. Then, I went down to the Permaculture Design and Appropriate Technology combination course. I clicked on that and got what appeared to be an ad for the courses, but at the bottom, I was told that I have access to lots of discussions. I went into the first one and, sure enough, I have access to lots of discussions. I am in the process of tiny downloading some of them now.

How long with I have access to these links? Can I take my time and go back there frequently? Or will I soon find myself unable to enter?

Also, I did not see any way to give anything to anyone. When I clicked on the course in the digital market, it went right to the page where I had access. Is there any way I can give that access to someone else?

I'm new at buying courses from you so I have a feeling I am missing something totally basic, but I still don't see how to give the courses to anyone. What am I missing?
No I am not saying for sure that choice was not offered. It was my experience that was at the egifts thread, I clicked on the permaculture design and appropriate technology courses. That took me to a screen where I had a chance to click on a dollar amount from a table. I clicked on the dollar amount (the 150) and I was taken straight to paypal. There may have been an opportunity to give as a gift, but I didn't see it.

I am also saying that when I tried to download the courses, I failed. It seemed to work, but when I clicked on the icon in my downloads folder, nothing happened.

So, my situation is that I have paid 150 and did not get anything. If possible, I would like to give the courses as a gift. If that is now impossible, I would at least like to be able to download them myself.

I was assured above in this thread that we can recover from this situation. I am believing that and am not at all worried or unhappy. I am in no hurry. However, I was getting notices to go to a link to get a message, and then I was not getting a message, which made me think I was doing something wrong. I am sure the whole thing is my fault somehow but I just want to solve the problem.
I get emails from you with a link in it. I go to the link and it brings me here, but I don't see a post related to my issue. How can I find out how to send the courses I bought as gifts?
I never saw that screen at all. Under the list of things being sold for a dollar Paul or someone says that eventually he would like someone to send the courses as a gift. I just clicked on the course. Then I got a chance to click on a dollar amount. I chose 150 dollars -- both courses the tiny download. I clicked on the 150. That took me straight to paypal and I did not see any chance to say I am buying as a gift.
I was planning to get it as a gift. When I clicked on it, I was sent to paypal. Then I just hit continue as I usually do with a paypal purchase. I did not notice an offer to buy it as a gift. I really don't know if it was there or not. I expected to get that offer before I went to paypal, but I see in your explanation that there was probably the offer there and I just didn't notice it. Is there any way to recover from this?
I am trying to send the tiny download of 177 hours of stuff to some folks who will appreciate it. I clicked on it. I was sent to paypal. For some reason paypal decided to use my mastercard instead of my bank, which is the preferred. I corrected that and, it seems, I have purchased the download, the 150 dollar thing. However, when I clicked on it, I was informed that I had chosen to close my Permies account, which I had not done to my knowledge. I had to reinstate myself by subscribing to the monthly newsletter. Then I was led to another opportunity to go to your gift thread, which I did and where I am posting this not seeing any other place to get help.

I did not get a chance to send the course as a gift, and I also can't download it myself. Please help me complete this gift or at least download it myself.