Paul, I have a suggestion on a GREAT way to end the movie, see below. A "teaser" of the next big thing to happen......?
What else is going to happen? An idea for the next project: Maybe after this is done, you would like to consider your next Kickstarter to be combining a rocket stove with a hyper-efficient Energy Positive Home. It would need so little heat, that might be enough to wake people up globally. It might make the difference.
These homes are 15 times tighter using Structural Insulated Panels (SIP's), are 2 ½ times stronger, and with the Frost-Free foundation (insulating around the perimeter of the foundation so frost never touches it) it is like a house sized Styrofoam cooler upside-down on a 55F surface (Earth ambient temp here). NOT hard to heat up to 70F! I'd like to see in-ground greenhouses (Walipini's) in the middle of small developments of these homes, and small greenhouses attached to some small homes.
An Energy Positive Home creates more energy than it uses, and we are able to build them for around the same cost as regular stick construction WITH the solar panels. Developments going up now in Clear Lake Iowa and other areas. BUT,....none of them have a rocket stove in them. If we can eliminate the electricity needed for heat, we could build even less expensively by not needing nearly as much for solar to run the mini-splits!
Please give this some thought.
Eliminate heat, electric and food bills all at once. Add passive solar design in cold climates, little heat required. Food production designed into a development.
For those wanting electric cars, by building the solar into a house, the cost of fuel can go from .13c/mile to .02c/mile (when using a loan). The world needs this.
Model in Milwaukee, another going up in Somerset WI. Gregg Bacon is the innovator for these homes, he is building developments now.
Arched Cabins are another less expensive way to build a home and are cool looking! They are designed to be DIY built, or community built.
I would love to see a development of these too somewhere with rocket stoves.
Let's set up a chat.