Philipp Mueller

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since Mar 08, 2016
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To cater to some vegan friends I was trying to whip up a mayonnaise without egg some years ago. I remembered a Spanish Aioli recipe that uses milk - because apparently Spanish restaurants are not allowed to use raw eggs - which turned out to work even better with soy milk. This is my favorite dip/spread now that can be varied by substituting garlic with other flavorings ( I tried mustard, chipotle in adobo, different green herbs...) and it takes only three minutes to make:
With an immersion blender blend 1 clove of garlic and 1tsp of salt in 1 cup milk/soy milk. Add 1-2tbsp. lemon juice or white vinegar. With the blender running,  ad a neutral vegetable oil in a thin stream until you reach the desired consistency. I usually stop a little bit short, because it firms up some more in the fridge.
5 years ago
I second some of the beforesaid, especially friction causing calluses and sometimes unconscious movements causing that friction. One question that I would ask, though: Did the wart disappear before or after you went shoeless? I am asking because plantar warts can be pushed into the skin to a point, where they can be completely overgrown by callus. So maybe your wart is still there, but "underground", leading to more friction in the surrounding skin. Regarding treatment, I would recommend urea cream, at least 10%, to soften the callus. Often, it rubs off on its own after that.
6 years ago
Old thread, but I have to add geckos. They make nice pets and seem to love cockroaches.
6 years ago

stacey rosbury wrote:..guess i shouldnt test it right?

I would test it and probably eat it, but not sell it. I can asses the risk for myself, which I think is very low, but I wouldn't make this decision for others.
6 years ago
With pickled vegetables, which have a reliably low pH, you have quite a margin for error. I would eat them, as long as the seal holds. Having said that, I would try to use them up fast and would surely not sell them.
6 years ago
The way I understand air pruning pots, just poking holes will not be enough. The pots have a special shape to lead the roots to those holes, otherwise they would just run in circles and bypass the openings. I would strongly discourage you to use styrofoam cups anyway. Too much ick.

Joseph Lofthouse wrote:
The plums are very photogenic...

Well that is an understatement!
6 years ago
I just had to look at this picture for some minutes. Absolutely stunning! Almost hypnotic.
6 years ago
You can add any alcaline resistant pigment to whitewash. As long as it makes up only a small fraction of the wash, it should not interfere with its properties. I just tried "Whitewash pigment" in google and got some interesting looking hits on the first page. I would probably try some finely ground charcoal, if i wanted to make my own pigment. Another way is to stain the finnished wall after whitewashing. This looks less homogenous, a bit more like watercolour, which can be really nice.
6 years ago
One more question: Other than producing no fruit, did the tree do well? Does it look healthy and grow a decent amount every year? If not, there may be a problem with root growth altogether. Do you have voles?
6 years ago