Steve Smyth

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since Jan 06, 2016
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Recent posts by Steve Smyth

John C Daley wrote:id you search the site, one is discussed just below your entry on this same forum.

You are correct. When I searched I did find that thread. Unfortunately,  it did not answer my question.  
1 year ago
FWIW: I just spoke to Drew at the machine shop from the original post. He said that they are still making the parts for this.

He is sending me more info.
1 year ago
FWIW: I just spoke to Drew at the machine shop from the original post. He said that they are still making the parts for this.

He is sending me more info.
1 year ago
Hey Everyone,

I am looking for a CEB press of some sort.

Manual or hydraulic.  I have auxiliary hydraulic on my tractor.

I have looked at Alibaba and just don't have confidence in what I am  seeing. Anyone have any experience with them? I have purchased batteries there with no problem but I knew exactly what I needed.

Any suggestions are most welcome.



1 year ago
The reason for not facing the front of the house South is because of the view. Facing South I have an uphill view of trees. Soon, it will be a view of solar panels.

The good view is looking Northwest. There I can look down on my silvopasture, hayfield and more trees.

Regarding Septic, we have not decided. Gravity systems are allowed here if your soil perc's. If not they install aerobic systems with sprinklers. I did see a lady in Vermont who ran the output of her standard flush toilet into a vermicomposting bed with very good result. That could work for us. Perhaps, send the grey water to a "filter bed" planted with the appropriate plants.
Thanks for the suggestions.

I do have equipment to handle the filled barrels without a problem.

I would stack a couple of courses of the barrels then build a form for a proper, steel reinforced, concrete bond beam. Stack more barrels etc.

I am envisioning a footer, three courses, a bond beam, three more courses and a "top" bond beam.
1 year ago
I had this idea and my searching didn't turn up much. I wonder if anyone has seen any additional info?

I have access to a quantity of 55 gallon poly drums and more dirt & shale than I know what to do with.

I was thinking of filling the drums with damp soil and packing it with a pneumatic tamper. Then stack them as shown in the OP's pic. I would fill the gaps with some sort of lime based "earthcrete" and pin each course with re-bar.

I could easily screw lath to both sides and cover with lime plaster.

Has anyone here tinkered with anything like this?


1 year ago
Thank you for the good info!

I have considered something similar in regards to the Great Room span. I have a couple of huge oak trees (30"+) that have to come out and a 6"x18"x27' bridge beam. I see rustic oak post & beam or maybe the steel beam made rustic/rusty.

With rock, gravel and sand 3 miles away @ $7-$12 a ton, there will likely be a fair bit of masonry projects around here.

The fireplace is as much for ambiance as for  heat & we want it far from my bedroom. There was method to my madness in picking that location

Yes, I am following that build. Very cool!!

Thanks for the replies.
Random ideas regarding construction:

I can buy all sorts of rock from a quarry down the road. One product is waste from cut stones,  generally about the size of 1-3 common bricks, for $7 a ton. I am considering  12" thick, slip formed, rock/concrete exterior walls.

I have a significant amount of foam block "geofill" to use as part of my infill/berm.

I need help with the roof design. I have been reading & studying and have accepted that I am going to have to hire an engineer. I don't have any permitting or inspections to deal with. I can build whatever I want and if it falls on my head, it is my own fault...... That said.... I don't want it to fall on my head.... Can anyone recommend an engineer that would be a good fit for this project?