Scott Harper

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since Feb 18, 2017
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Recent posts by Scott Harper

"some areas of the fence seem extremely hot, while others don't seem to be working, even on the same unbroken line".  So current in a section of fence is not working but is on opposite ends of that section?  I don't know what you are using for insulators but I have had on rare occasions instances where the wire actually wore through the insulator and was in contact with the nail that was holding it in place.  It was grounding out on the nail but on visual inspection looked perfectly fine.  Could this be your problem?  
5 years ago
The spices are the difficult part for me.  Salt and pepper alone just don't cut it.  My soup is wholesome and filling but unfortunately always quite bland.  
5 years ago
Welcome to Permies Dallas!
5 years ago
This is a very informative discussion but, frankly, I just want Dale's Chicken soup recipe that is so good he can have it "eight days a week".  How about it Dale?  Care to share?
5 years ago
I can't say as I'll ever get fruit but I have a couple small pawpaws growing unprotected in Canadian climate zone 4B for about four years now.
6 years ago