Andrew Allen

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since May 25, 2017
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I’m moving from Mississippi to Pennsylvania. I have been gardening my 1 acre yard down south for about 2 years. Most of my gardening has been in southern climates and I’m not quite sure what to expect moving to a place so different in many ways but most of all a place that is so cold.

I was hoping to get some tips, tricks, advice, warnings, etc...

Thanks y’all!
6 years ago

chad Christopher wrote:If you use Facebook, search for "pittsburgh permaculture guild" if you don't get accepted, drop me a line, I can send you a invite.

Thank you!
7 years ago
My fiancé and I are moving to the Pittsburgh area in march 2018. We aren't in the position to being able to buy a home. Wondering if there are any leads on landlords willing to let us create a permaculture yard or maintain an already established one. I'm currently managing the one I started in Mississippi, my first permie project, though I've garden for many years. Looking to continue.

7 years ago