Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Dave Armstrong

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since Jul 12, 2017
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Recent posts by Dave Armstrong

How is the Wofati doing now days? Any work on the walls since the last posts? Can we get some pictures!
7 years ago
What a great opportunity to quit my day job! Boy I want this! Doing my due diligence, though. Are the pictures in the thread here from boot camp? Looks like fun people to work with?

Looks like the PDC is over. Would new boot campers get to attend next years PDC? Will there be one? Word on the interwebs is that it probably won't happen and if it does the instructors won't be the same. The courses are a big reason to go so it would be helpful to have some guarantees before forking over my Benjamins.  The Ant Village workers have posted lots, but I can't seem to find any boot experiences. Are they in another thread? Definitely, want some of their input before handing in the resignation.  
7 years ago
Your plants must be producing by now! Let's see 'em brother!
7 years ago