Fred Vedder

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since Aug 24, 2021
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Recent posts by Fred Vedder

Hey Christopher.  Are you at an elevation that brings on the cooler summers? I am curious as to which town you are close to? I am an older carpenter interested in the permaculture nascent movement. I have some ideas, energy, tools to build. Would be good to talk on the phone to get more of a description. My #619-626-9531, Fred thanks
1 year ago
Hey Edward. Been hearing some good things about the Willamette valley. I am a semi-retired carpenter. Might be time to be a farmer. I am finishing up my warm time in San Diego and heading north to the Sacramento area where I have grandkids. My background includes managing and starting from scratch 3 juice bars, 2 that were in health food stores.  I grew wheatgrass and sunflower sprouts in the basement for the store. Stumbled on a unique method with the sunflower sprouts where you utilize just water, sunshine, and weights to trick the sprouts that they are underground. Great harvests. Interested in your long term plans and of course being curious to have hands on with permaculture. My #619-626-9531. Hope to hear from you and please text-too many scam calls. Or e-mail- thanks, Freddie Vedder
1 year ago
Still available. Post is old. My name Freddie Vedder, carpenter. My e-mail  ready to leave crazy U.S.
Hello. Where exactly are you in the high desert and are you close to markets? Is the climate conducive to fast growing Moringa trees? The 'tree of life'. You looking for help in your venture. My #530-263-7066 thanks, Freddie Vedder writing from Calif.
2 years ago
Hi Courtney. I saw your post. I will be visiting my friend in 3 Oaks, Mich. this spring and thought I would contact you before. I am a carpenter and have WWOOFED on a chicken/sheep/goat/garlic farm in Colo. Maybe you could call or e-mail me. My #530-263-7066 thanks, Freddie Vedder
3 years ago