Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Rich Haslam

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since May 17, 2018
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Recent posts by Rich Haslam

I'm in the same bkat as you. Colon cancer with mets to liver and lung.
I like it! I'll skip the details since others have pointed them out. The layout looks clean and intuitive. That's the most important item. Easy navigation. And speaking of that, I checked out the source code and see that you are creating separate web pages for different products - BRILLIANT! I know, this should be common but sometimes we forget. I'm assuming you're using multisite WP for that. I'm going to copy that for my own website also.
I have had this idea floating around in my head for quite some time. The basic premise is to create some kind of program that reaches out to indigenous practitioners of various natural farming techniques and spreading that information out to the world while honoring and sharing with them for their contribution.

I'm not being too detailed here on purpose. This is a huge multi year project that I envision and would take a team, or several, to accomplish. What I would like to do is create a Master Mind group to discuss and formulate possibilities. Would you be interested in joining? We will need many different people with different skill sets. Just off the top of my head, website designers, course developer, social media manager, teacher, presenters, videographer, researchers, artists, illustrators, video and text editors, ethics advisors (keep us focused on the 3 ethics and 12 principles), business advisors, leaders, spiritual advisors, ( to keep my ego in check 🙂 ) and many more.

This would also be a great way to study and involve yourself with the different concepts in Social Permaculture.

This is an invitation to join a Mastermind group, not the project. You can join the group and participate but are not in any way obligated to continue. That way you can provide value to the permaculture community while not getting tied down because of prior commitments. As with all Mastermind groups, this one will have an expiration date. If you don't commit to the project then you will not be contacted again.

If you are interested in adding to this project, please join this limited life group:
2 years ago
Did you try pollarding one? What was the outcome? I live in Vietnam and there is a plantation right next to me. I have seen a couple that were "pollarded" by wind but there was just 1 or 2 new growths from the man trunk. When the trees start to die they are quickly consumed by termites so using them as poles, for anything, is not a good idea.
2 years ago
I know this is an old thread but I was searching for any new research that has been done on this technique.
I used this about 30 years ago for a floor I put in a dog kennel. I used a few bags of cement and just the dirt that was present in the ground. I used a rototiller to mix everything in place, sprayed water on it, and then tamped it down. I hosed down the floor on a regular basis in the warm weather. This was in Massachusetts with temps falling below zero at night. The floor stood up for about 5 years but I don't know how much longer after that since I moved out of state. I found this technique in an article in the April 1985 edition of Popular Science magazine. I tore the pages out and saved them until they invented the desktop copy machine and then took a digital pic of them recently.
2 years ago
This is interesting, but I don't have these plants in my biome. I live in Vietnam. Is there a comparable source for these?
2 years ago