Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Pam Maz

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since Nov 26, 2018
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(gosh I hope this is in the right forum)

So this article popped up on one of my mom facebook groups (I don't even know why). Pretty much gushing over how Bill Gates is 'inventing' a toilet that "Transforms Waste Into Fertilizer, Doesn't Require Water or Sewers "


"The billionaire philanthropist kicked off the Reinvented Toilet Expo in China and unveiled a new toilet that does not require water or sewers, and uses chemicals to turn human waste into fertilizer, Reuters reported. "

"improve sanitation for countries that do not have or cannot afford to build the sewer infrastructure to remove waste. "

Of course, being into the permies culture I had already looked into these kind of toilets and well.. I think we all know the answer to that.

I think it would be cheaper to invest in education on how to handle waste then to make these complex toilets.

Here's a much more detailed (click bait styled) video that goes over the tech itself.

So you can see the set up in Gana runs on solar panels XD

Yeah I guess Gates' is doing charity to set up and supply these resourced to countries in need but he is in NO WAY reinventing the toilet like all these people are gushing over

Can I get an eye roll ?
5 years ago
Yeah, tech has grown and made these processes VERY easy and fast and that's some how cheating? XD
Meanwhile these people are using digital cameras and cell phones like "you should be using film. You're not a true photographer if you're using digital. That's cheating" lol
5 years ago
As someone who studied photography and it's history I always laugh at gate keepers who say editing is bad or try to brag about how they didn't edit. Like, get over yourself XD
5 years ago
Man I cannot wait to go there. Our new land is just five/ten minutes away, but were's still living in the apartment 1 hour away. One of our new neighbors at the land/area was talking about how he got some chickens and a cow there lol
5 years ago
Wow this is very interesting

Me and my husband moved to Missouri about four years ago with the intend on building our own homestead/off grid home. But the second we got here we learned what it means to buy land that is part of a HOA oops! But man we got a lot done in a few months before they threatened legal action.

Then we tried to just buy/mortgage a small farm (3 acres) because we figured it would be easier to work on a piece of land that already has a house/well/septic but that sale fell through when it got apprised for less then it's sale price and the seller refused to lower. Can't find another house with that much land near the cities like that one.

Now we're back to square one and looking at lands in other states again. I got lots of phone calls to make to some counties once the weekend is over. We still have all that down payment money/savings.

It's just me and the husband and the little one. We're "dwarves" so we liking digging into the ground and using the stones to make walls. It's amazing how much you can get done with a gas powered jack hammer. We just wanna exit the rat race and live away from people, gaining money making furniture and such.
6 years ago