mike d farrier davis

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since Dec 28, 2018
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Recent posts by mike d farrier davis

One word, Ferrocement. Used in Central and South America for just this purpose. Google it. Lots of sources of
3 years ago
50'x3' corrugated steel pipe buried 6' to 8' in concrete, the top 10' holds 550gallons with >40' of head, solar power fills when available, water pressure at night without using power.
4 years ago
I'm thinking about a marine conversion kit, retro fitted into a "broken" refrigerator. Roughly six foot tubing allows for remote locating of compressor/condenser, from fridge. Any sense to locating this outside? These are found at Boat Cabin & Galley /Marine Appliances /Marine Refrigeration /Marine Refrigeration Conversion
-West Marine and other marine suppliers. Was thinking as they are already 12 volt they will make great off grid refrigerators.
5 years ago
In an emergency situation, trailer sway can be resolved by using the brake controller and not the foot brake, slowing from the REAR will straiten out truck/trailer. Also, semi tractor trailer brakes are designed this way on purpose, when you use foot brake the brakes activate from the furthest back trailer brakes first for this very reason.
5 years ago
Has anyone considered the idea of simply buying regular Coke and not opening the cans? Seems a cheap way to get sugar water in pre-vacuum/canned storage.
5 years ago
It is my intention to use Marine refrigeration conversion kit from West Marine, these kits have all the components for the fridge except the insulated box allowing for remote locating of the compressor radiator unit outside my house. A salvaged/broken freezer would make a great base for such a system as they are already better insulated than a fridge. I'm also brain storming a secondary cooling system that utilizes the cold outside air of winter to keep fridge cool.
5 years ago
It is my intention to use Marine grade refrigerator conversion system as they are designed for 12 volt and efficiency to begin with , West Marine has systems, here are their offerings,
5 years ago
 Farrier in Washington Co. Oregon, I have a dream of building an off grid home as well, part of the reason I am recently single. My plan is to build a passive solar home with radiant floor and Masonry/Swedish stove. Having done my research, I believe the best construction method would be Double Wall stick built, rationale, lumber is a local product and easier for two people to build with, my belief is you don't have to go total Passive house to achieve significant gains in efficiency without the astronomical cost. I am confident that two people can build a home with cash in hand and wined up with no mortgage and damned few expenses. By the way I have cash in hand to start, and as I have many other skills that would lend itself to this endeavor I am confident in my ability to see this through. Also I am still a working farrier with a well established clientele that would love to see me stay in the area.

Sincerely, Mike Davis

I can be reached at mdavis1856@gmail.com
5 years ago
Hi Dawn, I am a recently separated 62 y.o. Farrier in Washington Co. Oregon, I have a dream of building an off grid home as well, part of the reason I am recently single. My plan is to build a passive solar home with radiant floor and Masonry/Swedish stove. Having done my research, I believe the best construction method would be Double Wall stick built, rationale, lumber is a local product and easier for two people to build with, my belief is you don't have to go total Passive house to achieve significant gains in efficiency without the astronomical cost. I am confident that two people can build a home with cash in hand and wined up with no mortgage and damned few expenses. By the way I have cash in hand to start, and as I have many other skills that would lend itself to this endeavor I am confident in my ability to see this through. Also I am still a working farrier with a well established clientele that would love to see me stay in the area.

Sincerely, Mike Davis

I can be reached at mdavis1856@gmail.com
5 years ago