Huck Johnson

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since Jan 31, 2019
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Recent posts by Huck Johnson

When your chicken lays an egg!
2 years ago
Using one here. I don’t shave much and only use coconut oil for “cream”
3 years ago
Remember that it can be very easy to spend too much time thinking of great ideas and not enough action testing and experimenting with them. I can say from experience that taking action if extremely beneficial to critiquing and rounding out ideals and ideas.
3 years ago
To my astonishment I was informed on leaving college that I had studied navigation!—why, if I had taken one turn down the harbor I should have known more about it.  —Henry David Thoreau
3 years ago
Once we had a drought and one day a mushroom just popped up for the first time in a long while and sure enough it rained that night.
4 years ago
I went camping recently in north Alabama and it was rainy and wet so my clothes ended up very damp and/or wet. How do you dry them when your primitive camping?
4 years ago