Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

John Morey

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since May 08, 2021
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Founder of - an app that connects gardeners and land owners in the shared goal of gardening.
Working with Green Country Permaculture in Tulsa, OK.
My family and friends are my love and life. Plants, animals, bugs, fish, aliens, and mushrooms are my family, too.
Bless your day!
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Recent posts by John Morey

Heya Griffin this looks amazing! Do you have any updated photos? My partner and I are looking to move to CN and this space feels beautiful and right around the area we're looking. Any new updates or details would be awesome! Thanks in advance
I design food forest gardens for people remotely. Payment is sent via Zelle to my bank, and is about $250 per design. I was paid $500 for a larger design.
Abundant blessings!
-John M
3 years ago
I design food forest gardens for people remotely. Payment is sent via Zelle to my bank, and is about $250 per design. I was paid $500 for a larger design.
Abundant blessings!
-John M
3 years ago
Ohhhh Paul! That link has so much helpful information that I was looking for! Thank you 😊 πŸ™πŸŒ±
For clarification, I attached the affiliate page as I see it. Under "Explore Products" where I would expect there to be additional pages of affiliate links to generate, or a "view more" or something like there, there is only a single page, and I'm not sure how to generate an affiliate link for something being sold on the website using my code. Example: i want to make an affiliate link for this lovely book.
All the best!
This is fun. ^_^ I just started my Patreon, and have 1 active patron for $3/mo. My name is in the top right of the screenshot.
All the best. <3
3 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply, Paul!
Yes! That’s right.
Although, I already have access and use the current affiliate list. Like, there are several links, but it seems like a lot of potential is missing.
Heyo, permie fam!
Absolutely love this thread, as it has helped me set up my own blog post with affiliate links  > <  , some of which are from
Which, brings up my question: I see on the affiliate links page that there are a few products to explore, but not everything that is possible to purchase from this website is listed on there. I'm curious to know why, or maybe I am missing something? I'm still linking other awesome content, but they are not through a generated affiliate link. (Some yes, some no is okay by me, just wanting to maximize.)

Thanks for everything! =^_^=
Abundant blessings. <3
I needed a place to post a picture of me for my profile, so that's what this reply is for. ^_^
3 years ago