I have 7 ducks and a farm pond. My Dad always told me to leave the land alone, it will take care of itself. Apparently, my pond, weeds or ducks never listened to my Dad. Sidenote.. he had zero ducks. No amount of draining, pumping or algae detonator will help. We have muskrats and we have 100+ year old snapping turtles. Our ducks have pools, one encased in rocks because they won't stop standing on the side and draining it faster than we can fill it. The other is in their run where my drake spends a large amount of his time because he thinks he is a caveman. Doesn't work but there's nothing else we can do. Tractor Supply should take them back and stop selling them in the store. I went over to a mother that was starting to waiver with her son who was begging her for a duck. I saddled up beside her to give her some support and asked if she's ever had ducks before... she hadn't. I told her she needs to do a little researching on their mating process just in case she gets a male/female combo. I overrode the sales clerk trying to sell her Ducks 101, All You Ever Need to Know about Ducks. I told her that book is an introduction, she needed to read ALL about ducks before she buys any because they're so cute.
I still have algae growth on my pond and am getting pretty tired of these $49.99 cured that do nothing. Somebody didn't tell the pond you don't want to fool with Mother Nature. The pond has whooped everybody's butt. I need to raise pigs in it