Thanks Guys! That's really helpful advice.
I wonder if it could be a deficiency? Maybe one that is subclinical and symptoms only become apparent after a stressful experience?
All my chickens eat layer pellets, soaked wheat, and as many greens as I have time to bring them from my vege garden.
They also have access to my compost bin so they have all the food scraps etc. The food scraps are probably the only food source that varies by location (and thus soil profile).
So is the best bet for ensuring they get enough minerals.
They have eaten fish though! Whenever our landlord gives us an extra snapper. And that should have all the minerals in the sea. Hmmm, interesting!
I could try collecting fresh seaweed for them (if I find the time!) and see if they eat some.
I work full time so spending time on my chooks is my main limitation at the moment. Also, I rent in the suburbs which means rotating their pasture and getting a rooster are sadly out.
For now! One day I will have enough money to get a place!
The injured chook doesn't have any visible injuries. But I haven't really checked her over. I'm too worried about hurting her. I was at work when the dog got in and another tenant on the property got the dog off her.
This is day 3 after the attack (that sounds like the start of a bad sci-fi), and she is walking around the run now!
She is still not eating or drinking very well. She tries to eat perpetual spinach out of my hand if I offer it. But she is very feeble and often misses the leaf or drops the piece she pecks off.
She seems unable to peck at grain. And I have only observed her next to the water, not actually drinking it. I also spotted her having a really good stretch of one leg today, which is a good sign!
One of her eyes is a little squinty, and she holds her head on a weird angle a lot of the time. I have a feeling the dog got her by the head or neck and gave her a shake.
But a lot of improvement! Day one she just stood with her tail down and her feathers fluffed all day. The only time she moved was to have a gulp of water the I dipped her beak in.
And yesterday seemed worse because she actually tried to escape if I put food or water in front of her face. Like she would turn around and put her face in the corner.
Which in any language says fcuk off and let me die in my opinion, so I was pretty sure we were going to lose her.
But yes! walking around and eating greens, no matter how little is an improvement, and if she is improving there is hope! If she recovers I won't get another chook.
I'll keep you all posted