Brandon Foy

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since Mar 05, 2020
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Recent posts by Brandon Foy

Develop your own “em” for practically free! Look up Korean Natural Farming and IMO (indigenous microorganisms) and LAB (lactic acid bacteria) all those bottled nutrients are nothing compared to what you can collect and step up yourself on your own land. The original EM-1 supposedly has “other” beneficials, but from my past 10 years everyone most everyone has said IMO and LAB is better.
4 years ago

Skandi Rogers wrote:

I nearly got caught this year, the guy who rents most of my land asked if I wanted the garden area spread with much to, I said yes and then had to quickly take it back as we're only 2 months from first harvest, that would have been a very expensive mistake!
Man yeah that would have been bad good thing you caught it! Yeah the more I think and after what you said then IDLS pens are exactly what I need
4 years ago

Skandi Rogers wrote:Remember that you cannot have pigs on land that you will crop any later than 3/4 months before harvest, (depending on crop)

thanks for reminding me you’re exactly right I am trying to organic certification and biodynamic cert, I think this seals the deal. I’m keeping them in deep mulch pen. And i can keep chickens And hogs! Thank you for your help!
4 years ago

Susan Wakeman wrote:You might want to check out Justin Rhodes videos.
The pig's rooting might go against what you are trying to achieve through no dig. I'm certain you'll get more weeds where the pig has been. How about using the pig to produce the large amount of compost you are using?

Haha yes I have gotten sucked into his videos lately I really enjoy them. Yeah I was thinking about that with the pigs damaging all the fungal networks etc already there and that I’ll be developing with no dig. I think maybe my best bet is just keeping them in a deep mulch pen and that way I can keep everything clean and tidy (I used to be all about letting weeds grow everywhere but now it just gives me the heebs when the farm doesn’t look right and tight.) And like you said let the pigs make the compost for me.

Can I keep chickens And pigs in the same pen or will that just be more hassle? I use Korean natural farming heavily as well, and they and in Japan etc use the deep mulch pens and spray LAB and IMO to hasten the decomposition and control smell and pests/disease.
4 years ago
First, I apologize because I know this is discussed in other manners, but most of what I've found is just small gardens, or strictly pastured hogs. If there is a thread you want to direct me towards instead I would appreciate. But let me explain my exact situation.

So I am a small (micro) ... & market farm, regenerative organics, use Charles Dowding's & and Eliot Coleman essential did it too, "No Dig" method, and plant extremely intensively. I am moving the farm to a new spot that is a Flag lot, 1.6 acres, with a good 200x80ft area for the main farm plots. It Does have a small stretch of old woods in the bag "pole" of the flag lot, and even a runoff drainage ditch that flows nicely. It has cedar of Lebanon around it with a nice little paddock that is kind of wet a lot and has some trees.

With that said, I definitely have a spot where I could raise pigs in a pen, maybe back in the woods or the little paddock. But I would love to incorporate them into the crop areas. I need to have At Least Half of the main plot for crops which would be 200x800, and have some other areas on the farm and under trees that I can grow crops throughout the year and an area for the building and greenhouses which is separate from anything I've mentioned.

Would having a spot 200x80ft with half of it being used for crops, be enough area to rotate the pigs through? I was thinking I could split it up into 6-12 plots, or more? The higher the number probably is better so I have more rotating options, But I need to be able to have crops sitting in a plot for a Minimum of 3 months, preferably 4 or even 6 months.

Is this a possibility for me to incorporate the hogs into the crop plots? Or would I just be better off using a DMB pen method, spraying with IMO, LAB, etc and just feeding them crop residual and feed?

And I guess with that, is it possible to Just feed the hogs crops? Or do I Need to feed them feed and/or hay etc?

I really truly appreciate all of your all's help! I wish I had more time to be more involved with the forum and provide information, but my life is so crazy right now running this .... & market farm all by myself right now. Got to go harvest for the market tomorrow! I'm definitely Not complaining though, I thank God I get be busy and provide living healthy vitalized food & .... products to my community and beyond especially in these crazy and uncertain times!
4 years ago
Just got my Thun Calendar, and picked according to what it says dandelions today etc... but it says to make a Tea, and mentions making teas out of oak bark, and chamomile, etc and spray on the plants and soil. Does Anyone have any suggestions for these I can’t find any info and there’s no details in the calendar it just says you can make a tea and spray it whenever.
4 years ago

s. lowe wrote:If you're just looking for some practicing bd farmers in your area, Demeter has a directory of certified farms. Its not the end all be a but its a start.

No I’m just wondering if those who claim biodynamics actually practice it fully? There are Zero near me and only 4 in my entire state of NC. I’ll definitely say with my limited resources so I don’t have all the preps or cow horns, but got horsetail and making a tea (sowed chamomile and yarrow and have valerian and stinging nettle on the way) and planting strictly (with experiments planting on nodes or apogee etc) on the correct days and times according to the moon and planets, and it’s a Clear beneficial difference. Can’t wait to go full BD to see the difference.
4 years ago

Lee Gee wrote:Hey Brandon.


Did you come across Redhawk's threads on Biodynamics and Soil. Worth checking out.

Here is the one on Biodynamics


And what we here at Permies like to call his Epic Soil Series

Redhawks Soil Series

Haha yes I saw RedHawks preps, thanks! I’ll check out the other
4 years ago
Anyone have any suggestions for some good Free audiobooks or podcasts regarding biodynamics? Good ones though, not some random ones that barely give even the general principles of Biodynamics but delve deep into it on all sides. The only one I’ve found so far is Steiner’s Agriculture Course
4 years ago

Cee Ray wrote:Sure it may not be truly bd according to demeter certification but Steiner also said his teachings are a starting point. The ag course was only part 1 of a 3 part course so why would we stop there. And what to speak of the tropics where the typical bd plants are not present. I see no reason why analogues cannot be used while still maintaining the underlying philosophy, we just need to read more carefully between the lines and not be afraid to experiment. Steiner was also a huge advocate of homeopathy so therein lies another path, as others have already uncovered.

In my message above I meant conches, not conks.

What were the names of the other 2 parts? I thought it was just the Agricultural Course lectures 1-8 and discussions, given in 1924 in Koberwitz?
4 years ago