Hi. My name is Melissa and your post sounds alot like me. Im 36. 5' 1. 120 pounds. Blue eyes and dark blonde hair. Almost looks brown. No kids. Just two cats who are my babies. Currently live in southeast Wisconsin, in the city in a small apartment which i greatly dislike. The city is not a great fit for me as the people here are insane and to put it nicely conduct themselves in a disgusting manner in the way they speak, live and act. Drugs, swearing, sex, and materialist things is all they care about. I do not pass judgement on people or how they choose to live there lives but its very hard to be in this environment for me day in and day out. Im a loner type by nature. Very shy and reserved and do not like being in large crowds. I seek to be close to nature. Since the age of 16 i have studied herbs and naturopathy. And am very well adept in everything pertaining to herbs, nutrition,naturopathy, diseases etc etc. My current passions are art, gardening, animals, cooking, learning how to live off grid and food preservation and other self reliant skills of that nature. I seek to leave this life in the city as there is nothing here for me to fill my soul or mind. As for kids; i no longer wish or seek to have kids or bring them into this world we now find ourselves in. And as for sexual relations of any kind that is sacred and to be saved only in the event of marriage. Im a very upfront honest open minded person and dont beat around the bush or hide what i want in life. I seek to connect with someone on a soul level. To me that is more important then whatever a person looks like. I seek intimacy on the deepest level that transcends anything superficial. What a person wears, drives or owns means nothing to me as those things do not fill me, motivate me or make me happy. I am not a agonist however and do believe and follow Yashua. I do not have a problem with you being a agonist as long as my beliefs and your beliefs don't create a conflict with each other. However i could never be tied to someone who practices paganism, witchcraft, or any new age stuff. But agnostic is fine. I do not seek to change anyone or impose my beliefs on others or convert them. If you would like to get to know me more you can email me at
melcred@yahoo.com. I dont really get on this site much and hate technology and all that stuff. I do not have any social media accounts etc. That would be the best way to reach me. And i can send some pics to you as well if you would like thru email. I just dont want my pictures on the www for the whole world to see as i dont trust technology or many people either for that manner. Hope to hear from you. But if i dont i wish you the best in terms of finding what you are looking for in life.